mercredi 5 mars 2014

What's the Deal with Bisexual Erasure?

So while exploring TVTropes, I found a trope page called No Bisexuals, in which it gives examples of works of fiction (and even real life assumptions) that completely ignore bisexuality or even the existence thereof when it would be logical to at least acknowledge it.

For example, I actually recall hearing secondhand about how fans of Dragon Age II assuming potential love interests were gay or straight depending on your player character's gender flew in the face of BioWare's straightforward explanation that all potential love interests are simply bi.

I'm a bit curious about what causes this phenomenon and wondered if people more knowledgeable than I could explain it to me. My only personal stake in it stems from the fact that two of the main characters in a book I'm writing are part of a "gay" couple, but both identify as bisexual, so I haven't exactly experienced this sort of thing.

via JREF Forum

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