vendredi 7 mars 2014

A 'miracle' field

Little did we realise when we bought our previous property in North Wales, a 17th Century farmhouse, together with a three acre field, in February 1997 that it would soon be the focus of some weird and wacky events and media attention.

We had only been living in the house for about two weeks when a reporter from our local weekly paper told us that an Irish couple, on a walking tour of the area, had rested at the gate of our hillside field, and had apparently seen a vision of the Virgin Mary. They claimed that they had been healed of their ailments, a frozen shoulder and a cataract.

The national media took an interest in our story, and by June 1997 our quiet country lane was beginning to resemble a mini Lourdes. Many people came looking for a cure; sadly some were dying of cancer. Although I have not heard of anyone who visited our field having been cured of the disease, I have been told that lesser medical problems have responded positively to the vibes supposedly coming from the field. Two Americans claimed to have found healing. One left a note, and another contacted me via a website.

One evening in May 1997 I was standing at the gate of the field when I saw what looked like the popular image of the Virgin Mary. As she was unlikely to have looked anything like the picture book image, I am of the opinion I saw what I wanted to see!

Some years later the local paper reported that a gentleman had been saved from committing suicide after a trip to our field!

I too received a ‘miracle’ cure when I had a painful frozen shoulder, which had defied the best efforts of my doctor. I stood at the field gate for about five minutes and found that it was considerably less painful, by the next day it was completely cured; I have not had any trouble with it since! I think my body’s own healing mechanisms kicked in, the field acting as a catalyst.

We have been informed by ‘healers’ and ‘experts’ in this sort of phenomenon that our field does indeed have special healing powers! Hmmmmmmmmmmm!

People were welcome to stand at the gate and enjoy the peace and tranquillity. If it helped them achieve healing for mind, body or spirit that was wonderful. We did not make any money out of our ‘miracle’ field as we thought that would be wrong as we are sceptics and don’t believe it to have ‘supernatural’ powers.

Strange things began to happen in the house too, but that will be the subject of another thread.


via JREF Forum

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