mardi 28 janvier 2014

forgiving Germany

I am a new member here and was very struck by Monketey Ghost's question regarding Germany.

I have read many of the replies to this question and considered replying myself but decided to come at this question from a different angle instead. I hope Monketey Ghost understands.

Yes, there is a way to "forgive Germany." It involves some of the rather far out, fundamentalist reaches of Christian thinking, but, for instance Pastor John Hagee founder of the Cornerstone Church here in the US believes, has stated that Hitler, the Holocaust were all a part of "God's plan." That plan as I understand it was to drive the Jews back to the Holy Land so the longed for Biblical End Times foreseen in Revelation could, can begin, Christ finally return.

Fundamentalist Christians of varying stripes, including George W. Bush, believed variations on this End Times scenario, were vastly supportive of Israel largely becasue, yes, the Jews have to be in their proper place in the script for it all to happen.

I am not saying I believe this, mind you, but it asks this question: Is there a "force," a Force involved in human history capable of inspiring a Hitler and the events he brought about? A Force not unlike that envisioned by the Greeks with Muses, including a Muse of History up on Parnassus capable of influencing, inspiring human history?

If there is such a force then German history, our history was "under the influence" during Hitler's rise in the same sense Hercules was under the influence of Hera when he killed his wife and kids. Thus, a case can be made that the Germans were not themselves during that time, rather under the influence of a powerful "historical drug."

Were I called upon to defend them in a court room I might try to mount such a defense. Hagee's one of the first witnesses I would call.


via JREF Forum

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