dimanche 3 novembre 2013

StopSylvia email: "This was my experience with Sylvia Brown"

I received the following email at StopSylvia, with the subject "This was my experience with Sylvia Brown":


It was in the 70's I believe that I first heard of Sylvia Brown. She would do live readings for callers on a local radio talk show (don't recall which one) - but I believe it was local to the Bay Area. Also, for a fee of about $25 she would answer 3 questions via mail. Intrigued, I mailed in my 3 questions along with the money - asking personal questions about myself and my family. I did this on two different occasions. And guess what - every single response from Sylvia was incorrect.None of it was true. Boy, did I feel ripped off. And since that time all I hear are story after story of fraud and deception on her part. I don't believe she ever had any psychic abilities - she is just a common, everyday scam artist with a bunch of naive followers. She has apparently ripped off hundreds of people in her career and has cruelly devastated many individuals with her fake readings.


via JREF Forum http://forums.randi.org/showthread.php?t=267977&goto=newpost

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