lundi 25 novembre 2013

StopSylvia email: "Sylvia Browne death""

I received the following email at StopSylvia, with the subject "Sylvia Browne death":


Sylvia Browne dies this past Wednesday this should give Robert some closure I spoke with him years ago and he was still very much in pursuit of Mrs. Browne debunking people in the world What a shame to have built a career upon lies and public humiliation . I wish Robert a speedy recovery and peace of mind in the future...


I assume that "dies" instead of "died" was a typo rather than a weird "postdiction" of some sort, and that it was Browne - and not me - being referred to as having "built a career out of lies and public humiliation".

My reply:



Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me.

If you would, please refresh my memory on when you spoke with me, and what in particular we discussed (your name rings a faint bell, but I'm afraid that I cannot place it - my apologies.

As far as "closure" goes, the site's purpose is as valid as ever, and will remain up for the foreseeable future.

Why? Becauseas I fear her family and publishers are likely going to try to capitalize on her demise by pushing her books, DVDs, etcetera, even more, hoping to take advantage of the public's tendency to idolize celebrities after they die, so I will be leaving the site up, to minimize the impact of any such marketing efforts. Also, I hope that visitors to the site will apply what they learn from it to other "psychics" in the media.

I hope to add an article to the site soon, both announcing her death, and explaining why the site is still up.

Best regards,

Robert S. Lancaster

Founder & webmaster,

via JREF Forum

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