samedi 2 novembre 2013

Sometimes we psychologically need placebo's to believe in

The good doctor knows that a story, a lie, an untrue statement, can be healty for a patiënt.

Nietzsche was the one who wrote that our nature needs life supporting ideas. He told us that we only seek for ideas we can handle, even when we do not believe that. That's in our nature, in our fysiology.

Maybe there are 'trues' outthere, we cannot, psychologically, survive, he argued. (wich I believe).

In that case, the doctor would say: let us give this person a placebo. Let us tell this person a lie, wich must be believed to 'work'.

A culture or a person can be in such circomstances that 'the scientific truth' is, in a psychological sense, not thé highest value for him. To believe in the facts would deliver 'a nocebo-effect' in this environment.

When it comes to 'the meaning of his life' in certain circomstances, he preferes hopefull believes, perspective providing believes, wich give us reasons to survive in this or that situation.

The doctor would say:

The conditions of this society are so traumatic that this society will become sick. We need to give it a placebo: a believe in a supernatural being wich take care of these people.

The conditions of this society need life supporting values.

We have the luxery to live in rich societies. We can psychologically handle our 'meaning of life', because our basic psychological needs are fulfilled. We can accept 'the facts'. The acceptance of facts cannot harm us psychologically. It will not change our basic needs for hope in life.

But people who have no perspective at all, because of their poverty, their first concern is a "lifesupporting believe". Their first concern is a placebo, given by a doctor. They only need lifesupporting believes to overcome their situation psychologically.

Sometimes we need placebo's to believe in, stories which are not true.

via JREF Forum

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