YouTubers The Fine Brothers have a twice-weekly series called [X] React in which they show a video or two to a specific one of 4 groups (so it's Kids React, Teens React, Elders React or YouTubers React) and ask them questions on it. It's usually silly videos like "Nyan Cat" or Rebecca Black, YouTube channels like Tobuscus or Freddie Wong, or celebrities like Lady Gaga or Ariana Grande. But every now and then they ask a specific group about more serious topics. For example, they covered the killing of Osama bin Laden with the kids, and Amanda Todd's suicide note video with the teens. In this week's video they've covered gay marriage with the kids (aged 5 to 13), including 1 who seemingly has never even encountered the concept of homosexuality before.
Anyway, I thought it was interesting that that I should share. It's 15 minutes long:
Anyway, I thought it was interesting that that I should share. It's 15 minutes long:
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