samedi 2 novembre 2013

Are We This Cynical?

This was originally a reply to someone, but I'm curious if others feel the same way:


Originally Posted by Dragoonster (Post 9597143)

My first thought upon seeing the thread title [Did Obama Lie] was "about what"? Dude is a liar. So are the NSA, FBI, and other agencies he's in charge of. Zero will be prosecuted for lying.

I'm sorry but I can only hear the phrase "Did Obama Lie?" in a naive five-year-old's voice.

No, it's not naive, and this has a lot of people pissed off. I was watching Bill Maher, and it was painful to see Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who I think is an excellent politician, try to spin this.

Are you saying we can't even expect basic honesty from our elected officials anymore? If Obama, in fact, lied, he did so on about 30 separate occasions. If he didn't lie, than he was utterly clueless about what the effects of his signature accomplishment would be.

Perhaps a less naive question would be: what else has Obama lied about? What other new revelation will he claim to have no knowledge of?

This is hurting the liberal brand as well:

"Doubts about competence inflict damage, particularly if they are followed by other incidents that reinforce those doubts and by a vigilant opposition party flagging these miscues, as Republicans can be counted on to do here. Doubts about competence eat at enthusiasm among your base and alienate the moderates and independents who are really the ones determining whether a president has strong job-approval ratings (and note that high ratings translate into clout on Capitol Hill and, to a certain extent, around the world)...

Among independents, Obama's job-approval rating was 36 percent, about the same as the 37 percent for September; among moderates, it was 47.

As a liberal, I felt betrayed by Obama when he appealed to the nation for authority to bomb Syria. I voted for him in 2008 largely so we wouldn't get dragged into another Mideast "adventure". And now I'm supposed to support a unilateral bombing campaign? Wait, what? When did George Bush sneak back into the office?

Then there was the disastrous ACA rollout, the NSA revelations, and the mass policy cancellations that weren't supposed to happen.

Obama is either clueless on a level that's becoming more and more alarming, or will say anything to further his agenda. I largely approve of that agenda, but all this worries me. I don't think that's being naive.

Or am I just a babe in the woods?

via JREF Forum

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