mardi 22 décembre 2020

Physiotherapy. Scientifically Sound?

I have not had a good experience at the hands of physiotherapists and I wonder if the treatment is scientifically sound.

My experiences:

1. Was referred to a physiotherapist after doing something to my upper back and neck. After 3 treatments there was no improvement. The physio guy spent much of his time telling me that manipulation, as done by chiropractors and such, was BS. I went to a GP, recommended by a friend, who did manipulation. In 5 minutes the doc cured me.

2. I hurt my shoulder and arm in a skiing accident and was referred to a physiotherapist. Treatment gave me no relief that I noticed and I doubt it accelerated my recovery.

3. When my office chair collapsed two weeks ago, I suffered bruising around the spine. My doctor suggested I get physiotherapy, although I had been improving. I suffered more pain during this treatment, than I have for some time. I don't think I will go back.

There are many years between these experiences.

via International Skeptics Forum

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