In the main, these post is based on a long, protracted back-and-forth I was having with a friend of mine; some history buff whom I know well not to be exactly one of those "USA! USA! USA!" kinds of "critical thinkers". He knows well, I am not a Nazi apologist, an anti-Semite or any of that crap, when the targeted assassination of the Iranian al-Quds force commander, Qassem Soleimani and the group accompanying him by USG "happened".
The "officially cultured" term, "kept" by USG you can find at:
The aspects I talk about are from not being taken into consideration at all, to being carefully (as "critical thinkers" would say, "responsibly") avoided by the "freedom loving" media who have been flying around all kinds of "WWIII" memes.
// __ Intercepted Podcast: Could Trump Start World War III?
In order to start "WWIII", you need a spine and some balls as a people. I don't think that having watched star wars as a kid, twitter accounts, techno *****, large TV sets, cell phones, "worldsonlysuperpowerness" ... will do. Something that I find worryingly silly about gringos is that they seem to take movies as some soft of self-help philosophy seriously:
// __ Inside the mind of NSA chief Gen Keith Alexander
* guy in college:
* lady the force:
Based on "freedom-lovers"'s (the U.S. and British government) past, their tried-and-true historical ethos, the most essential pillar supporting their claim to "glory", "greatness", ... is a peculiarly schizophrenic combination of a formidably accurate aiming sense, "critical thinking", ... with huge and "incredibly selective" geographical/physical, visual and moral blind spots.
Am I the only one who has noticed how "verbally careful", "caring about rights/the rule of law", pussycat, "diplomatic" freedom-lovers get when their bluff is called by a force that can and will defend themselves on an equal basis?
With the assassination via a drone attack of Soleimani whom Iranian people themselves considered to be the second most important defense and political figure (de-facto vice president) of their sovereign nation, USG has effectively made the statement, again, -to the part of the world they can safely abuse-: "you must have, eat and pretend to like our pax amerikana *****". You must be and be seen as "amicus populi Amerikani". If you don't all it will take is a press on a button to say "good bye" to you.
Trump also said: "this won't be another Benghazi":
// __ Trump, Pompeo, Esper Defend Killing Of Soleimani; Iranians Vow Revenge
// __ Trump, top officials mount defense over Soleimani killing
and, as if he were an abusive husband who had just beaten his wife: "what she shouldn't be doing". As USG has always done, something "interesting" about gringos is that they think that they have the responsibility to own reality (or is it an unavoidable illusive artifact that comes with illusions of "power"?).
What shouldn't Soleimani, Iranians, Muslem, Arabic people opposing USG genocide have been doing? The ever factual, truthful and honest U.S. "freedom of thought, the press, ..." media "clarified" it to us: "Soleimani had 'American' blood in his hands".
I wonder who could get anywhere near USG while trying to emulate them at having all kinds of blood of all kinds of people all over their bodies even if they do their best at pretending they care to put on white gloves while they go about their bloody, "freedom loving" business. This time around they didn't care so much about trying to hide their actions, "be 'intelligent'", but is the targeted assassination of Soleimani by USG really something new?
To just name a few cases right in what they consider to be their "America for 'Americans'" backyard, USG had previously assassinated (had been since 40 years ago when they killed Roldós) two democratically elected presidents by more "simple", less theatrical conventional means: placing bombs in their presidential planes:ós_Aguilera
and using their domestic corruption, politicians, the military, to destabilize the government of those countries if they are not perceived as "amicus populi Amerikani" enough is just an axiomatic part of their "freedom loving":Árbenz
Gringos would ask you for "proof". They want to see "the smoking gun" held by the very "Teddy" Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, ... in the way that this administration not only did, but also, as if it were necessary, to add insult to injury, boasted about it. So, this is a new phase of USG's Pax Amerikana bs. The new normal are direct drone attacks to assassinate whomever is not perceived as "amicus populi Amerikani". What, who will be next? Bashar al-Assad? Kim Jong-un?, Evo Morales?, Julian Assange?, you and me?
// __ Obama tells UN: Syria's Assad must go
// __ Obama's drone wars and the normalisation of extrajudicial murder
// __ Double-Tap Warfare: Should President Obama Be
Investigated for War Crimes?
Before the British government took him into custody in their torture chambers, that Hillary Clinton lady with her neurotic faces was suggesting assassinating Julian Assange via a drone attack, so now we know we should not take any of it as just "jokes".
// __ Clinton 'can't recall' if she joked about getting rid of Julian Assange with a drone - as she holds a press conference in a secretive shrine
Are you sure you aren't doing something that "you shouldn't be doing"? (tm) and the most interesting part about that kind of thinking is that you won't even have the chance to know what was it exactly that you "you shouldn't be doing" (tm). Actually, most people killed in drone strikes have no idea why they were "signature-struck" by "the worldsonlysuperpower"'s algorithms, what was it exactly that they shouldn't be doing:
// __ We dream about drones, said 13-year-old Yemeni before his death in a CIA strike
"Under Obama, the unmanned vehicles have become both a tool and a symbol of a new age of modern American warfare, one in which the U.S. government asserts the right to reach out and kill suspected terrorists wherever they may be".
// __ One in six children live in war zones, Save the Children says
Since they have more detailed information about all aspects of one's life that any one could possibly imagine, they can read whatever they want into "your profile" and as that idiotic, morally deafferented USG/CIA moron Brennan actually expressly stated: "the definition of 'terrorist' is that we killed you". Now, isn't that as self-evident and clear a proof as it gets?
Obama, who sat his black rear end in all those fancy schools for half of his youth studying "U.S. Constitutional Law" loved his newly instituted signature strikes as part of his never-ending war ideations, he was especially proud of the double taps aspect of it, even though USG people not exactly known for their kinds hearts and humanity repeatedly pointed out to him that terrorists (and when USG talks about "terrorism" they mean the kind not financed, sponsored and trained by them) who could tie their shoelaces knew well "what they shouldn't be doing" (tm).
Bullies are very careful about whom they pick fights with, killing children and their grandparents for threatening their "worldsonlysuperpowerness" would be a way to start WWIII?
USG (Trump's administration) killed 8 year-old U.S. born Nawar_al-Awlaki (after Obama had killed her dad and her U.S. born minor brother)
I wonder what that little girl could have possibly had in her computer that could threaten "theworldsonlysuperpower"?
Did "Vladimir Putin" used his direct secret line to hell and managed to talk the very devil into releasing Osama Bin Laden's spirit for a while, so he could entangle his mind using the space-time demultiplexing base on what seems to be the Pleiades in the constellation of Taurus in order to write the specs of the next attack in the U.S. on that little girl's computer? This is what I heard, but I am still curious about the details.
Trump had been mocking the Iranian naval forces "for patrolling U.S. navy ships with 'their stupid boats'". However, not long ago the Chinese rammed a ship against one of their own that was "patrolling international waters" ... boy! and USG knows very well the Chinese know hell well they were "doing something they shouldn't" (tm) ...
What did USG do? Next time USG got closer to those waters was to sink their own war ships as part of an "international 'training' operation". Their military put on their Saturday night uniforms and made a movie. That was all there was to it! Those kinds of idiots are all about "uniforms". Collin Powell related how "impressed" he was when he put on one of those. He sorely lacked the brains and/or morality to see he was just a mercenary genocidally abusing people, while sucking it up the chain of command in order to advance "his 'career'":
He also took the main role in the WMD USG lying theatrics at the UN. Great, Lord! What those uniforms do to you! I remember Powell once protesting the Chinese for making a U.S. surveillance plane flying around China forcibly land. He put on some funny, ****** face, but, no, he didn't swing his fist to them on camera. It would have been way too hilariously self ridiculing. Isn't USG the worldsonlysuperpower already, why do they care about whatever they mean by "force projection"?
// __ Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs: Aircraft Carriers and Anti-Ship Missiles
Even if not directly establishing a cause-effect relationship, "Adamizations" (as linguists and semioticians call them), as some sort of conscious social text become interesting when such apparently "new" incidents "happen" officially become "the new normal". The credit goes to "the region's only democracy" (tm) (as the Israeli government calls itself). They had been doing that to Palestinian people and their leaders, who apparently had a hard time understanding why they had to serve as "man power" in their concentration camps, Jewish ghetto police in the occupied territories. I am old enough to remember when the Israeli government started doing such things, their USG ally initially didn't see as that kosher those "technical" ways of dealing with defenseless people kept in the largest and longest concentration camps ever.
Anyone would admit, that the Israeli gov has quite successfully managed to make the whole world feel like an extension of the Gaza-strip, as they say, "because God (their favorable landlord, it seems) gave us that land".
Rachel Corrie was run over by an IDF bulldozer:
and Israeli judges ruled it "her fault". Israeli citizen Shimon Yifrah from a nearby Jewish settlements in occupied lands fatally shot a Palestinian school girl, Intissar al-Atar, for no apparent reason whatsoever/just for the fun of it, as "target practice", to call it something. He was set free by an Israeli judge because: "the offense was not severe enough" to warrant detention, "Yifrah only intended to shock the girl" ...
I can't even begin to image that someone in the U.S. would take a gun, use children in an ICE detention center for target practice and would then be protected by the courts.
On a documentary, "the Gatekeepers", about the oppression of Palestinian people by the Israeli government (made by themselves) I would recommend to anyone to watch if you are interested in knowing the kinds of dynamics going on in the occupied territories and what USG apparently aims to turn the world (they can safely abuse) at large into, their New World Order commitments:
The highest ranking Shin Bet officials of "the region's only democracy" (tm) laughingly and on camera admitted to not caring about "'intelligence' or any of that nonsense" whatsoever that: "they just kill people". In a quite uninhibited way, they related how eerie it felt killing people (even if you don't give a ***** about them from a legal/judicial or moral point of view (provided they had some sense of morality)). How it felt like you were "taking away God's job" as you so thoroughly monitored and killed unsuspecting people as if you were playing a computer game. They related how they would torture people to death who never knew why they had been detained (their "pattern recognition" identified them as targets to work them as snitches and/or "for 'training'").
Something "interesting" about that latest, "new normal" kind of incident is that USG repeated that they operated based on Israeli "intelligence". Some other interesting data about the persecution of Jews by the Nazis was that they got hurt the most, even measurably so!, by those governments who kept thorough reports about them. Take, for example, their fate in Hungary. The Hungarian government kept thorough dossiers of every one of them, so it only took like four SS officers to arrive in order for their business plan to be set in motion. However, as expected, "history" blames Nazis for what "happened" to them. If I didn't know people I would find strange and self-disrespecting that it is now the Israeli gov/Jews capitalizing on keeping thorough dossiers on every self-moving thing on earth:
* go to the jews cell phone hacks
* facebook the jews
Why do they do that? Well, "for the money". It is actually a sound business model, they seem to have learned from the ways in which they were "loved", so they cant help but loving other people in kind. Once "you know" so much you can read whatever you want into whomever/whatever you choose to.
I have been raising awareness about those Übersurveillance issues and helping "We the people" see how they can protect themselves from the "if you have nothing to hide" (tm), "if you are doing something you shouldnt be doing" (tm) era in which we live nowadays, but you dont have to take it from me. As Lennon sang: "Imagine!" Dianne Feinstein, someone who, as vice chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, was supposed to be supervising them and had been despairingly mocking Snowden, outrightly and publicly turned against them when she managed to gain a short glance into their practices:
// __ VICE: 'State of Surveillance' with Edward Snowden and Shane Smith (VICE on HBO: Season 4, Episode 13)
Also, if the Israeli government knows so well about everything and everybody, how come they didn't let USG know that all those WMD in Iraq ideations were self-serving delusions? They certainly knew USG was bent on freedom loving Iraq anyway, so it would have given them more credit as knowitalls.
So, USG has "just" applied the Israeli model not just relatively "domestically" to people in an illegally occupied territory, but "responsibly" to a sovereign nation in the same way: -safely calculated abuse-. You may consider that to definitely be different in kind and/or degree, but something "new" it is not. They just used their new toys in the way that the Israeli gov taught them.
"The region's only democracy" (tm) easily gets away with it because USG abuses U.S. tax payers into financially sponsoring them and politically endorses their state terrorism. In the U.S. active public libraries are being closed for "lack of funding", but, of course, there is no "lack of funding" when it comes to financing state terrorism by "our key ally in the region":
// __ U.S. Admits Israel Is Building Permanent Apartheid Regime Weeks After Giving It $38 Billion
yet, I would have a few very basic questions:
* who would serve as life line for USG? Oh, OK, of course "God"! and, hey! "in God they trust"!
* will it actually work trying to -officially- turn the world into some sort of USG's Gaza strip? Not just making it -feel- like it, which is the starter job that Israel did for USG?
What the New York Times meant with those "regions" in their article about the USG assassination of Qassem Soleimani:
* NY Times
was not Texas or Alaska, but a sovereign state half way around the globe. Does USG actually believe they will succeed at turning the whole world into an extension of Gaza strip?
In addition to how they gauge how well pax amerikana is doing by how well the world at large has been McDonaldized, something "interesting" on the officially "kept" pax amerikana wiki page is the view on it by that idiotic, morally deafferented USG Henry Kissinger (Hillary Clinton's hero) who plotted the assassination of "terrorist" Bob Marley. He says that "we don't invade countries we 'freedom love' them"
I was not shocked, not even slightly amazed at hearing Bernie Sanders say that "he would opose wars because our youth would die in them", no Bernie. First "our youth" can and should say no to bs and also go ahead with a war but a true one against a true force for once.
On my list of my dreams I have included:
* Russia and/or China take Iran under their wings. That would be a very smart move from an economical to human rights prespective. It would give middle Eastern people a respite from "freedom loving"
* I was "amazed" about the German government asking USG if they had used Rammstein for Soleimani assassination. Well, last times I checked 2 + 2 was still 4 and most probably if you do you will find the same answer. Imagine, that German people organize a popular vote to let freedom lovers know that they don't like, never did officially being still an occupied country. I know, I know politicians always know best, but still "We the people" will be putting it squarely on their faces. I have even heard that USG may even get the hell out of Germany, so they apparently got bored faster than German people let them know.
* Latin America makes close net: 97 of the Internet traffic emanating from LA crosses through the U.S. ... USG is mentally ill in the sense that "they will definitely use what they know about you to mess with you" to them they are making sure that "freedom and progress prevail in the Universe" and all that bs
* LA should start directly making business with China, bypass gringos adn their way-overrated bs
truth and peace and love,