samedi 29 février 2020

Jose de los milagros

This guy does spells of an undetermined type and can undo black magic or evil done against you. At long distances for his convenience.

I like the touch of his background, six jesus' and six marias. Because one just isn't enough.

Gotta love late night tv in Mexico.

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via International Skeptics Forum

3 die in pool-party asphyxiation incident

People are so silly when it comes to throwing liquids, gases, etc. into swimming pools. This is a straight-up repeat of the incident in Leon, Mexico, in which someone poured liquid nitrogen into a swimming pool during a Jagermeister promotion, asphyxiating several of the guests.

There was a good deal of incorrect information about that one around the internet, including from some serious news agencies, claiming that the incident was a chemical reaction between the nitrogen and the chlorine in the water, releasing chlorine gas. The result is simply that the liquid nitrogen boils when it comes into contact with the much hotter water, forming a layer of gaseous nitrogen and asphyxiating anyone in the pool.

Bottom line: don't throw anything into a pool that's going to produce gas.

via International Skeptics Forum

Horrible racist attack in San Francisco

Man, 20, is arrested for robbery over the shocking video of elderly Asian man who was racially abused as he collected recyclables in San Francisco, California


Originally Posted by Daily Mail
Police have arrested a man in the taunting and robbery of an elderly Asian man who was collecting recyclables near a San Francisco Bayview area housing project.

The attack was caught on video and posted to social media.

Dwayne Grayson, 20, was arrested in front of his Bayview home on suspicion of robbery, elder abuse, committing a hate crime and probation violation for an earlier robbery, Police Chief Bill Scott said during a gathering held to condemn the attack.

Police say Grayson was the individual who also recorded and posted the incident on social media.

The video, posted on Sunday, showed a black man threatening and swinging what appeared to be a metal pole at an Asian man who was trying to get back a shopping cart that was loaded with aluminum cans and bottles he had collected.

The man then appears to try to get back his bags of recycled goods as onlookers continue to shout and taunt him before he breaks down weeping.

Several people were standing around but none of them went to help the man and instead some decided to jeer and mock him.

A person recording the incident told him to 'go get your cans' and someone said: 'I hate Asians.'

'What we saw on that video was horrific. Make no mistake about it,' Scott said. 'We heard from people all over the country.'...

via International Skeptics Forum

PBS Spacetime video on consciousness not needed for reality

I my life I have encountered folks that argue consciousness plays an integral role in collapsing the wave function and creating reality. I'm sure you have too. Many books have supported this. They will oft cite some of the quantum theory scientists of the early 20th century supporting it does. There are some actively attempting to prove it, such as Dean Radin and Julie Bieschel(sp). It is a popular belief among those that find quantum mysticism appealing. So in rebuttal here is an excellent vid by PBS Spacetime explaining why it is not the case.

A companion PBS Spacetime- "How Decoherence Splits the Quantum Multiverse" video.

via International Skeptics Forum

Congressional candidate thinks Corona Virus was made by Bill Gates.

Joanne Wright Tweeted

The Corona virus is a man made virus created in a Wuhan laboratory. Ask @BillGates who financed it.

The Corona virus was man-made. Bill Gates is one of the financiers of the Wujan lab where it was being developed. I wouldn’t put it past them and by “them” I mean everyone from Adam Schiff to George Soros, Hillary Clinton and the Pope. #DeepStateCabal #KAG2020 @CIA

Doesn’t @BillGates finance research at the Wuhan lab where the Corona virus was being created? Isn’t @georgesoros a good friend of Gates? Isn’t it always when @HillaryClinton tweets that fire and brimstone hits us? Check Gates Foundation and Clinton Foundation for stock sells.

via International Skeptics Forum

Home Office boss quits over 'campaign against him'

The top civil servant in the Home Office has resigned and said he intends to claim against the government for constructive dismissal.


Sir Philip Rutnam said there had been a "vicious and orchestrated" campaign against him in Home Secretary Priti Patel's office.

Reported tensions between the pair included claims she mistreated officials - which she has denied.

Sir Philip, who has had a career spanning 33 years, said he received allegations that Ms Patel's conduct towards employees included "shouting and swearing" and "belittling people".

via International Skeptics Forum

Should we fear the Democratic Party?

As most of us have heard, Democratic Party leaders are getting very worried. In fact, establishment leaders interviewed by the New York Times say they are willing to risk intraparty damage to stop Bernie Sanders.

To be more specific, if Sanders arrives at the convention in July without a majority in delegates, even if a plurality, they are prepared to throw their support behind somebody else. Only 9 of 93 superdelegates the NYT interviewed said Sanders should get the nom if he ends up with a plurality in delegates. Look at the sheer desperation of Democratic donors floating Sherrod Brown with Michelle Obama as VP, or Kamala Harris, who's been out of the race for what seems like a year now. They are in anybody but Bernie mode.

Cue the life's not fair and Bernie's not a real Democrat, the party doesn't owe him anything.....blah blah. No the primary process isn't necessarily fair, but there's something to be said about an industry standard. Superdelegates have traditionally thrown their support behind the candidate with the most delegates, majority or not, with a few exceptions. A break from this convention I feel is going to look really, really bad. It just might hand Trump the election on a silver platter.

I understand they are looking at a wider political landscape, with Congressional elections coming up they want to keep seats in regions they feel they risk losing with Bernie Sanders as nominee/president. And some people don't believe Sanders has a great chance against Trump, even though there are polls that suggest the opposite. Does the Democratic Party really want to take that risk? Do they think pissing off hundreds of thousands if not millions of would-be general election voters is a negligible expense for the long game?

It just might backfire epically.

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vendredi 28 février 2020

Creationists' examples of impossible macroevolution

What examples have you seen the most, or have stood out to you the most, of things Creationists say couldn't have evolved because they're too macro? For example, do they seem to bring up the difference between flying and not-flying but mostly ignore the difference between egg-laying and live birth, or obsess over the eggs/placenta thing but never mention the variety of teeth & beaks & such? Does it seem strange how much they focus on dogs, cats, elephants, and the fish-to-terrestrial-vertebrates transition and how little interest they seem to have in what you might see as more interesting but neglected areas like how the liver extrudes away from the intestinal lining, or deuterostomes seeming to be upside-down or backward with our heads twisted around or attached the wrong way, or where limbs came from in previously limbless lineages, or practically everything about the non-animal kingdoms, or how anatomical symmetries work?

I've been sort of collecting a list of what seem to me to be the major points to illustrate along the way in the shortest possible summary of evolutionary history from a lifeless Earth to the most complex organisms we have now. Although the idea was partially inspired by Creationist demands for a complete explanation of the whole story "from molecules to man", I started noticing that a list of what seem to be the major points to me and a list of answers to specific Creationist claims/questions/challenges/whatever would make two different lists, with I'm not even sure how much overlap. Does it seem to you that they not only get wrong what they do look at, but don't even pick the right things to look at...

via International Skeptics Forum

Honey Badgers

Leopard catches honey badger:
Python catches honey badger:
Stoffel the honey badger:
Honey badger facts:
WARNING: Contains a few bad words and facts.

via International Skeptics Forum

RIP Freeman Dyson

Freeman Dyson has died at the incredible age of 96.


via International Skeptics Forum

Israeli Rabbi Says He’s Already Holding Meetings With Messiah


Israel’s biggest rabbis are all afraid to leave the country lest they miss Messiah’s coming

A recent interview on Israeli radio again featured prominent rabbis explaining that the Messiah is just about to reveal himself. Rabbi Yaakov Zisholtz on Sunday told religious broadcaster Radio 2000 that Rabbi Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky recently told him that he (Kanievsky) is already in direct contact with the Messiah.
To understand why religious Jews are taking this seriously, it’s important to know that Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky is considered one of the two or three top rabbis of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community in Israel. And Rabbi Zisholtz says that Kanievsky and others of the mystical “concealed” rabbis have now tasked him with informing the public of the Messiahs imminent arrival.
Good to know!


“…the process of redemption is about to start happening very quickly and at a fast pace. It is important that people remain calm and steady to act properly in the right time.
I'm trying.


“There is a potential Messiah in every generation and there are righteous men who know precisely who it is. This is, of course, true in this generation.
How convenient


“Getting the word out now that the Messiah is closer than ever is a matter of life and death. Haven’t you heard of Gog and Magog? That is what is going to happen very soon. Right now, the situation is explosive more than you can possibly imagine. Everyone needs to know whether they are on the inside or if they are going to be left out.”
Can we toss coins?


“Another righteous rabbi said that according to the current situation in heaven, there will not be Israeli elections – rather, there will be a war,” cautioned Zisholtz. “If the elections do take place, it’s pointless since it will end like the other elections; no government will come out of it. No one will take the government away from Netanyahu.”
What's the current status there in heaven? Can we get an update? Maybe Fox News can send someone to investigate.

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NAS box replacement/upgrade

Looking for some suggestions or experiences.

I have a Synology NAS DS416, with 8 TB of storage. It's mostly used for holding my photos, and it's nearly full (less than 1.5TB free).

Should I just buy a new NAS box and add it to the network, buy a bigger one and migrate the data, build one from scratch, or something else? Can I buy bigger disks and replace the existing ones, one by one?

via International Skeptics Forum

Garth Brooks wears a Detroit Sander #20 Jersey, Trump fans respond

Imagine the level of poutrage it takes to lash out a country music star because you don't know who one of the most famous running backs in the NFL is and assume it's pro-Bernie.


Country music legend Garth Brooks posted a picture of himself in a "Sanders" jersey after his packed show Saturday night in Detroit, which created a bit of misguided outrage and confusion online.

Brooks wore the No. 20 jersey of former Detroit Lions running back Barry Sanders – a football legend in the city and NFL Hall of Famer – which caused some of his Instagram followers to mistakenly attack him for being a Bernie Sanders supporter.
To be fair, the Bernie boobs did the exact same thing. It sucks we live in a world where political blindness, and immediate knee jerk condemnation is the norm. Though I guess it's been that way for awhile.

I despise country music but I enjoy a few Garth Brooks songs, and some really old country from the 60's. Funny story though.

via International Skeptics Forum

33 Turkish soldiers killed by Syrian airstrikes in Idlib


At least 33 Turkish soldiers have been killed in an air strike by Syrian government forces in north-west Syria, in a major escalation of the conflict.

Turkey says it hit back by striking some 200 Syrian government targets, "neutralising" 309 Syrian soldiers.

Russia, Syria's key military ally, says Turkish troops were attacked in Idlib province by Syrian forces while operating alongside jihadist fighters.

That's a bit of an escalation.

via International Skeptics Forum

jeudi 27 février 2020

Student protest at University of Oklahoma

Headline seems a bit wonky to me, but what do you guys/gals think about the student demands?

(I found this of particular interest b/c of the other thread about a student multicultural center and b/c I'm supporting a current undergrad at this school.)

via International Skeptics Forum

Male Privilege

Let's discuss the topic of male privilege, taking the latest Taylor Swift music video as a starting point. I'm pretty sure that it's all about male privilege. Like how men are allowed to smoke cigars on trains and urinate in public and be rude to waiters, and then everybody else is all like, "You go, Bro! Woooo! That's so Alpha!"


And for those who simply will not watch a YouTube video, you get to read about it on Faux News. Or feel free to find a story about it on the media of your choice.

Taylor Swift's 'The Man' music video leaves fans stunned as singer transforms into businessman

Well, the makeup artists did a pretty good job anyway. The song is kinda catchy too.

via International Skeptics Forum

Utah Women need to remain covered up in their homes, or face prosecution.

Utah women are on notice to stay covered up in their own homes or face prosecution and possible sex offender registration after a women plead guilty to Lewdness after her step-children saw her topless as she helped her husband hang drywall. Her husband who was also topless was not charged. She faced charges of lewdness with a child which carried a 10 years sex offender registration if found guilty, so pleaded to the lesser charges.

Yup, the land of the free... just not the free nipple.

via International Skeptics Forum

Top Marine Orders Confederate Paraphernalia to Be Removed from All Bases

No confederate trash allowed on Marine bases.

via International Skeptics Forum

The case for Amy Klobuchar?

So far she is my favorite candidate. Yes, I know, no chance. But I don't believe she will be going anywhere for a long time, I see her as a 'keeper'. It is possible she needs another 4 yrs to really establish herself, but I think she is doing a great deal of work, and retaining her good, solid demeanor. And, I believe she could win over - that fat orange jerk.

via International Skeptics Forum

Home made server

I want to add a server to my home network. I want to to work as a NAS, Plex server, and host Home Assistant. I may also use it for VMs but that is a future discussion. It doesn't have to be super powerful or have a ton of storage yet. I'd like expandable, but I may just focus on affordable for now. I'd like simple to use and maintain.

Would I be better off with just buying something ready like a Synology box, buying an old desktop and replacing the OS with something like Ubuntu Server or Unraid, or building something from scratch and installing Unbuntu/Unraid/etc ?
I have built my own PCs before, including an Ubuntu desktop, so that doesn't really scare me. But, it has to work.

via International Skeptics Forum

"I hate white people"

Black woman, 42, is arrested for allegedly punching stranger at a Portland, Oregon bus stop before telling her it's 'because you're white'


Originally Posted by Daily Mail
Nimo Jire Kalinle, 42, pleaded not guilty Monday to fourth-degree felony assault, first-degree bias crime, second-degree bias crime and two counts of interfering with public transportation.

On January 19, Kalinle was said to have gotten off a bus stop near North Fremont Street and North Gantenbein Avenue when she punched Janae Jordan.

Jordan was with her young child and husband at the time of the assault, KPTV reports.

The mother told police that when she asked Kalinle why she hit her, the suspect told her: 'It's because you're white and I hate white people'...

via International Skeptics Forum

The Bible That Oozed Oil

Hello all.

Just in case anyone else is interested, there is great story in Slate Magazine concerning a hoax involving a miraculous bible that somehow produced hundreds of gallons of oil for the faithful.

However, when tested the oil produced by the bible turned out to be mineral oil. And another remarkable fact is that the very person who was propagating this story about the vast amounts of oil produced by this bible was seen at a local store buying vast amounts of mineral oil.

The Bible That Oozed Oil


in the summer of 2016, God gave Johnny Taylor a prophecy. It wasn’t a specific vision, but something more like a promise. After the presidential election that fall, so the prophecy went, God would begin to “position” Johnny and his group of friends to do great things. Months later, when Donald Trump won—no surprise to Johnny—God provided another message: After the inauguration, he said, “I’ll show you what I’m doing.”


From then on, more oil appeared almost every time Jerry picked up the Bible, a leather-bound copy of the New King James translation. The oil moved to the back of the book, saturated the endpapers—a heart-shaped splotch appeared over a map of Israel—and then started at the beginning, in Genesis 1. Eventually Jerry had to put the book in a Ziploc bag, and then in a large plastic bin he bought at Tractor Supply.


The Bible itself was stationed toward the middle of the room, in a wide aisle perpendicular to the stage. It sat on a folding table in its plastic tub, submerged in a few inches of oil. Two small Tupperware containers of oil sat on either side of it, where visitors could dip their fingers. Johnny Ageworth, an old friend of Jerry’s, was among the handful of men unofficially guarding the tub. He said he had handmade the special hinged lid that fit on top of the bin to prevent overeager fans from scooping up the Bible without permission. “When I first saw the [oil-producing] Bible, the Lord said, ‘This is what you’re going to be doing,’ ” Ageworth said. He wore a pendant shaped like a cross, with a vial of the oil embedded in the center.


Less than a week after I left Dalton, that story changed. First, Leslie posted a notice to the ministry’s website, announcing that the Bible had stopped producing oil on Jan. 10, weeks before I arrived. Because there was no new supply of oil to hand out, the last weekly service at the Wink Theatre would take place on Feb. 11. Then, on Feb. 13—Jerry’s 77th birthday—the same Chattanooga Times Free Press writer who had covered the oil Bible in November reported a bombshell: An anonymous source told the reporter that Jerry Pearce was a regular customer at a nearby Tractor Supply store. And he’d been seen purchasing large containers of clear oil.

Two managers at the store “visually identified” Jerry to the reporter and confirmed that he bought “gallons of mineral oil.” This time, a chemical analysis performed for the paper by the University of Tennessee–Chattanooga found that Jerry’s oil was indeed nearly identical in chemical structure to the brand of mineral oil sold at Tractor Supply. When Wyatt Massey, the Times Free Press reporter, questioned Jerry about the evidence after a prayer service in January, Jerry “got pretty upset pretty quickly,” Massey told me. “He scoffed, like, ‘This is crazy, this is stupid.’ ”


via International Skeptics Forum

mercredi 26 février 2020

Windows 10 black screen issue

I hope someone might be able to help.

Yesterday I installed Windows 10 on a friend's laptop which was Windows 7. Everything seems normal except for one problem. If I restart the laptop it goes to a black screen before the sign-in screen. But alternatively if I shut down and then press the power button it will start and go to the sign-in screen in a normal fashion.

In short, a restart gets me a black screen but a power-down (then the button) works fine.

I Googled this situation but couldn't find an answer.

Another possible clue... during the black screen if I attach an HDMI cable to an external monitor it right away shows the sign-in screen on that monitor.

Once I sign in everything seems normal about this Win 10 installation.

via International Skeptics Forum

Methods for vanishing thread

You've found the Secret Amanda Knox thread!

If you're here for magic, be assured that illusion and misdirection is the whole point of this thread. And please remember the injunction not to reveal magical secrets to outsiders!

Those interested in further discussion of the Trials of Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito are invited to do so here, and may invite (by PM) any other members whom you believe are interested in discussing the topic in an honest, rational, and evidence-based manner.

I've already invited the overwhelming majority of the members who have posted 4 or more times in the most recent segment of the A.K. thread in Trials and Errors.

via International Skeptics Forum

Will Trump See Covid-19 as an Opportunity?

I'm not thinking of a business opportunity. The virus is probably going to affect the whole tourist and hospitality industry negatively: travel agencies, airlines, cruise lines, theme parks and hotels.
We also know that he has no idea whatsoever what a virus or a pandemic is.
But he has already stated several times that he might try to stay in office if he is not reelected in November.
Declaring a state of emergency could be the way for him to cancel or postpone the primaries as well as the presidential election altogether - at least until a vaccine is ready if it ever is.
Having to cancel his own ego-boosting rallies might be the only thing preventing him from doing so.

via International Skeptics Forum

How would I make this graph?

Given the data


How would I put that on a graph? I know there are several different types but I'd like to make a visual representation.


via International Skeptics Forum

mardi 25 février 2020

"Face" Among the Arabs

While I was looking for info on the Canadian Caper, I ended up on this website;

This article was one of those I read and found interesting.

It was written in 1960 or so and declassified in 1994. I was wondering if the article was accurate in 1960 and if so, still accurate today.


The Arab in his society is likewise expected to show personal integrity in order to be socially acceptable. He, however, manifests his honor and integrity by making a public, outward impression of dignity derived from an ostensible lack of guilt. Even if facts and conditions speak to the contrary, the social veneer of non-guilt must be maintained evident and dominant if he is to achieve the socially demanded face. Dignity and stature are granted only to those who show themselves as flawless; the society of the Arab world has no place or respect for one whose faults or errors come to public knowledge. Blame, fault, or error accruing to an Arab personally brings his immediate fall from social grace and a loss of dignity or face. He therefore feels revulsion and bitterness for anything that tends to compromise him in this way.
I wonder how far this saving face and tact is taken? For example does it work the same way in military boot camp in Arab countries?

Americans and most other Western-bred persons regard it as merely socially inconsiderate or impolite to mention another's errors in public. Management courses teach psychologically graceful ways to correct erring employees without hurting their feelings, suggesting for example "Maybe it would be better if we did this another way" instead of a blunt and ego-damaging "You are doing this all wrong." The Arab would be quick to grasp the wide divergence between the two approaches. But what in American life is a matter of tact and consideration is to him a highly charged social confrontation with many complexities and subtle ramifications of which the American would never have dreamed.
I can't imagine any drill instructor or company commander charged with training new soldiers to treat them with "kid gloves" in this fashion. :)

As far as the bolded words above; I can't help but think this is how Trump supporters feel when he grab guns or says due process is over-rated. There is no guilt in his actions because he did nothing wrong.


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lundi 24 février 2020

NASA Mathematician Katherine Johnson

Katherine Johnson, one of the history-making, barrier-breaking NASA mathematicians depicted in "Hidden Figures" ; died Monday, the administrator of NASA said.
She was 101.
"Hidden Figures" A movie worth watching.

Janelle Monae, Katherine Johnson, Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer at the Oscars on Feb. 26, 2017.Patrick Wymore / ABC via Getty Images file

via International Skeptics Forum

Popularity of unskeptical ideas & modern myths over the years

It seems like all of the times I've encountered people who believed in a certain handful of odd ideas were years & years ago.

(Of course, I'm talking about ideas from outside of religions, which have a separate set of forces at work behind them. And there's another category I'm excluding that I've only seen come up more recently, which mostly seem to have been born online, but they're also all based on and motivated by politics. So I'm talking seeing this pattern among myths that aren't politically-driven... the kind of stuff people listen to and talk about just because they think it sounds interesting/intriguing.)

I think I was a kid (late 1970s & 1980s) the last time I knew of somebody taking seriously certain ideas like Bigfoot, Nessie, Edgar-Cayce-style Atlantis or other more-advanced-than-us ancient civilizations or ancient aliens (including that humans came to Earth from elsewhere in space), psychics, remote viewing, pyramid magic, that we all start out female, that a single blow to the nose could kill you by sending a nasal bone fragment through your brain with the rest of your head pretty much intact (so we're not talking about a complete skull-smashing impact here but the kind of thing an effective fighter could do by hand), or even that swallowed gum gets stuck inside the stomach or intestines undigested for days to years.

I was in my late teens and lower 20s (1990s) the last time I heard any serious mention of the "we only use 10% of our brains" idea or the Bermuda triangle, and the latter was just from somebody who thought there might be a believer in the room to debunk but was wrong about that. This was also when I heard, for the one and only time, about a vehicle air bag decapitating somebody... not even "just" killing by blunt force trauma, but decapitating... which I knew sounded just like the above kind of stories, but never heard again since then. I guess that particular version of the brief "air bags are harmful" flare-up just never gained any traction (and the other versions of it didn't last long either).

The only one I can think of at the moment that I still heard persisting after 2000 was the one about the QWERTY keyboard being designed to slow people down as much as possible. (That was a funny memory for me because it was the subject of an internet forum fight where I was told I must not have done even the most basic "internet research". I responded that that would only be checking whether the myth was as popular online as offline, not whether it was accurate or not. That was before anything like Wikipedia or Snopes or Today I Found Out existed, so there weren't even any particular places that specialized in really digging to facts, so "internet research" in those days would have been literally nothing but checking on the status of a myth popularity contest. I presume that guy has at some point since then discovered not only that his QWERTY history was wrong but also that "the internet" actually says so now too.)

Since then, it's just been silence on this kind of stuff. Did the internet drive them out? Have these things not even really been diminishing at all, counter to my own statistically insignificant experience?

via International Skeptics Forum

Belgian city of Aalst says anti-Semitic parade 'just fun'

This is really bizarre to me, to see such flagrant anti-semitism on display in Europe in this century. What is going on here? Clearly something more than "just fun".

Belgian city of Aalst says anti-Semitic parade 'just fun'

via International Skeptics Forum

Darker meaning of "electability"

I don't mean electability as broad appeal to voters such that a person can win an election. That is being done to death and not worthy of a thread.

More to the point that this will be the first election in decades where the RNC will not be covered by a consent decree that has kept them from certain activities to suppress and intimidate voters under the pretext of stopping fraud.


The decree, which dated to 1982, arose from a Democratic National Committee lawsuit charging the RNC with seeking to discourage African-Americans from voting through targeted mailings warning about penalties for violating election laws and by posting armed, off-duty law enforcement officers at the polls in minority neighborhoods.

So the question is this: Which candidate is best suited to have both the nerve and ability to run a campaign that can effectively combat these sorts of intimidation efforts in real time? Keep in mind in this day that it would also be an issue with Latino voters, who weren't the same in numbers or sensitivity to legal coercion thirty years ago. Parking an ICE van near a polling place would unnerve a citizen aware of their casualness with the law.

My take is that the candidates that prize civility will be mostly useless in this regard. Trying to "rise above" on election day is naive when someone being intimidated away from the polls is irreversible. Bernie has strong campaign enthusiasm. Bloomberg has money to hire a virtual army of observers. More important is the tone and communicating a message that the polls may be scary but you will be safe.

Election day itself could get ugly, but unless the candidate grasps that ugly is preferable to capitulation, that candidate is in trouble.

via International Skeptics Forum

Flat Earther dies in homemade Rocket.

via International Skeptics Forum

dimanche 23 février 2020

Aus. Expert says men should have mandatory mental assessment after divorces

And maybe monitored

Bit left field nutty


Expert suggests men exiting relationships should receive assessments

A call to carry out mandatory mental health checks on all newly divorced or separated men.

It comes after Hannah Clarke and her three children were murdered by the children's father, Rowan Baxter, in Brisbane last week.

It has been revealed that*Clarke fought to keep Baxter away from her family. Australian media has reported that domestic violence orders against Baxter were continually watered down until he was allowed within just 20 metres of her.

That's despite him stalking her daily...and kidnapping their four year old daughter on Boxing Day.

He killed his three children and their mother by torching their car on Wednesday, in what's been described as an act of domestic terrorism.

Australian National Research Organisation for women's safety chief executive Heather Nancarrow told Mike Hosking transitioning out of relationships is not always easy, and assessments could be a solution to avoid further tragedy.*

"To those who are then assessed as posing a threat to the safety of women and children or others, including themselves, would then be offered help in the form of intensive supervision and ongoing monitoring."

She says there's a number of people who could offer the services.

"It could be people in the existing mental health system, it could be potentially child protection officers. It really is an idea that's still forming."

She says that she is looking to assemble a group of other professionals to discuss the idea in greater detail.

Nancarrow says that one of the ways that this could occur is that family members, friends or colleagues who are concerned about someone's wellbeing as they transition out of a relationship could ask for help.*

via International Skeptics Forum

Black Swan Event Under Way

I have it on record in the covid thread, but this is about money and the impact covid will have on the global economy.

Oxford Economics suggest a hit to global economy of 1.2 trillion dollars, which I think is light.

While most people won't be too sick with it, some will, and even if 10% of workforces require 3-4 weeks off sick, that is going to have a massive effect on the world's supply chain. Most importantly, it's likely to all happen at once - it won't ripple through like 'flu, everyone will get it very quickly.

Some companies will be forced to close doors for extended periods, loan defaults will skyrocket, and the sharmarkets will tumble once the size of the impact becomes known.

On Friday, I recommended to several businesspeople I know that they should invest in TVIX - a hedge fund against global downturns. The shares were $38 at Friday lunchtime, and they've opened today at $49. I know two took my advice and threw five grand in on Friday.

They've made a grand over the weekend, with lots more to come.

I can see TVIX going well into the hundreds of dollars range if the pandemic goes the way it looks certain to.

Investment advice: buy TVIX now.

Disclaimer - I am not a financial adviser.

via International Skeptics Forum

samedi 22 février 2020

Andother one downL A.E. Hotchner

The guy was 103, and it may be that few remember Hotchner, but long ago he wrote a fairly controversial biography of Hemingway, and was a friend and business associate of Paul Newman. Together they founded "Newman's Own" foods, and ran the Hole in the Wall fund. I remember him fondly because, once long ago, I was treasurer of a little nursery School that had been located in Lime Rock, Connecticut. One of our fundraising efforts was a concession to run a lemonade stand at Lime Rock racetrack, where Paul Newman often raced, and was said occasionally to drink the lemonade. When the school fell on such hard times that it looked as if it would not be able to finish out the year, partly owing to a huge increase in insurance rates, I wrote to the Hole in the Wall fund, citing the Lime Rock and lemonade connection. In response we got a sufficiently substantial donation to cover our insurance bill and see the year out. Hotchner signed the letter. So thanks to Paul and Hotch for their long-go largesse.

via International Skeptics Forum

vendredi 21 février 2020

New GOP dirty trick: Fake "Census" forms

In a deliberate attempt to confuse citizens into tossing the real census forms that are due later this year.

via International Skeptics Forum

RIP Charles Portis

Most notably the author of True Grit, but he wrote a small number of other things, also pretty good fun. But True Grit is surely a classic, worth a read even if you've seen both of the movies.

via International Skeptics Forum

Detailed Account of Fatal Grizzly Attack

Absolutely brutal.

This story is a bit dated, but recent and harrowing enough of an account that I think many here would find it interesting.

A LOT went wrong here, including a good guy with a gun who didn't know how to use it. Florida man. etc.


Hunter conflicts with grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, and the Teton Wilderness specifically, are routine — there are dozens of encounters annually, including many caused by carcasses. But according to bear conflict expert Steve Primm, the Uptain fatality marks the first time an attacking grizzly in North America has been doused with bear spray but killed a person anyway.

but the “chief injuries” incurred in the fight for his life were to upper thighs on both legs, which had been deeply torn and ripped and endured “massive blood loss.” A “crushing wound” impacted the hunting guide’s forehead, exposing bone and cartilage, and his scalp had been peeled off from his forehead to his neck, though his skull in the exposed area was intact.

via International Skeptics Forum

Why Trump will be reelected

Why trump will be reelected

1. The Democratic Party. Around 90 years ago Will Rodgers said “I'm not a member of any organized political party. I'm a Democrat.” Still true.
2. The Republican Party. Absolutely monolithic in its devotion to Trump.
3. Socialism. The current front-runner is a self described socialist. But it's not just Bernie, the R's will use that scare word for any candidate. And a vast number of Americans don't understand what it is. As in the first post of this thread.
4. Toxic Bernie-Bro culture. There are not that many of the toxic ones, but they are very vocal.
5. Fox News. They have no shame and will lie about anything to help the Republican party.
6. Cheating. In addition to the ongoing Republican efforts to disenfranchise likely Democratic voters, the Russians are already busy, and Trump is already working hard to cover it up.
7. Impeachment. I think it was a dumb idea. Trump will run on how exonerated he is.
8. Prejudice. Against immigrants, brown people, women, and LGBT people. A lot more folks harbor subtle prejudices than you probably think.
9. Gullibility. Trump fans willingly believe anything he says; anything they here on Fox News or Breitbart. But it's not the fans that are the problem; it's the folks in the middle who are susceptible to the lies when they get repeated often enough.
The USA is totally screwed.

via International Skeptics Forum

Psychology Experiment/Psychic Demonstration

I want to try a psychology experiment I read in a magazine decades ago. It was used as a demonstration of how one could pretend to be psychic with a little luck and knowledge of human nature.

People here are going to have to cooperate and not cheat to make it work.

I'm going to ask each of you to provide a list of three things. I'll spoiler block what I think your answers will be.
Each person needs to spoiler block their answers, and not look at my answers or anyone else's before they answer. Each of you needs to answer without knowing what anyone else answered.


1. Name a color.
2. Name a flower.
3. Name a piece of furniture.

My prediction.

The article claimed that the majority of people would choose these three answers. Granted, it was aimed more toward face to face interaction and quick answers. People here will probably take their time and give weird answers.

via International Skeptics Forum

UK - Ban on sale of certain fuels

In an attempt to reduce particulate pollution, the government plans to ban the sale of "wet" (i.e. green) firewood and coal.


Owners of wood burners, stoves and open fires will no longer be able to buy coal or wet wood to burn in them, under a ban to be rolled out from next year.

Sales of the two most polluting fuels will be phased out in England to help cut air pollution, the government says.

Mrs Don and I have a multi-fuel stove and burn a combination of "scrumped" firewood and smokeless fuel.

The "scrumping" process of dragging pieces of tree home from farmers' fields and woods (with their permission) and cutting and splitting by hand is becoming less fun every year so I was thinking of buying a couple of cubic metres of unseasoned wood from someone local. I suspect that there'll continue to be an illicit trade in such wood - maybe for landscaping or some other purpose.

The smokeless fuel we burn is likely to be unaffected by the ban but is almost twice the price of house coal. Because we're comfortably off and use the stove a couple of times a week, this isn't an issue. Mrs Jones down the hill keeps a coal fire in about 7 months a year and would be hit very hard in the pocket. She's a pensioner and will face some difficult decisions. :(

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jeudi 20 février 2020

Yet another right wing extremist terrorist attack

This time in Germany.

Gunman who killed nine people is now said to have had a racist extreme right wing motive. He also talked about hidden bases in the US where children are tortured. He does not appear to be talking about the actual "bases" where children are being kept, but seems more likely to be talking about something akin to the Q-anon conspiracy theory.

via International Skeptics Forum

mercredi 19 février 2020

Arrested,tried, convicted, imprisoned, time served released

A child molester here where I live was arrested for molesting a little girl. He was sentenced to fifteen years in prison which he served in total.

Now that he has served his time should he be allowed to live anywhere he wants to? Laws on the books say he cannot live anywhere near children but children are everywhere. Where can he live?

via International Skeptics Forum

US Court of Appeals rules on Florida ex-felons voting

Okay so back in 2018 an amendment was put to the ballot here in America's alligator and methhead fueled wang that would allow most* ex-felons in the State of Florida to regain their right to vote once they had completed their sentences. It passed and was pretty much the only thing I voted for in 2018 that went my way.

In 2019 the state government immediately started trying to cut the legs out from under it, passing a law that you didn't get your right to vote back until you paid off all associated fines and court fees.

Today the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals overturned the ruling, declaring the requirement to essentially be a poll tax.

I'm assuming the Republicans will force it up to the Supreme Court by 2020 so Kavanaugh and Gorsuch will overrule, declaring that nobody in America has the right to vote if it makes Trump winning less likely as clearly laid out in the "Because I say so" amendment Trump just scribbled into the margins of the the Constitution with crayon.

Why does this matter? Because 10.4% of adults in Florida are disenfranchised due to being ex-felons, the highest percentage in the states. That's more then 1.6 million people. If "Florida Ex-Felons" were a state it would be bigger then Hawaii. Furthermore almost 1/4th (23.3%) of African Americans in Florida can't vote because of ex-felon status. And 85% of African Americans will vote for for anyone but Trump.

I roll my eyes at the Dems expecting some great Deus Ex Machina of new voters who we can't detect to rise up at the last second like the Ghost Army in Return of the King and vote Trump out of office but... this is a real one.

Florida went for Trump by inches in 2016. And you guys ain't getting the Blue Wall Rust Belt states back by running Bernie. Tipping Florida is one of the few ways Trump could really have the legs cut out from under him in 2020. Losing Florida really reduces your paths to victory in the old "First to 538" race. Only one President has won the Election without winning Florida since 1964.

*Exceptions were made for murder and sexual offenses.

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[Actioned] Can electric E-coli give fossil fuel generators the *****?

Interesting article about bacteria that generate electricity when subjected to humidity. The study states they dont generate conductive filiments fast enough though, so there is a suggestion to introduce the relevant genes to e-coli to make the generation more efficient when trying to scale up. Suggested uses are phone and other battery operated device chargers.
Is this likely a 10-20-infinity years thing or is it feasable in a shortish term?

If they make the paint version, can I cover my arms in it and go around zapping evildoers? Or will I just give myself a shocking case of stomach flu?

via International Skeptics Forum

mardi 18 février 2020

Want to retire comfortably? Spend your savings

Believe it or not, this is literally the situation in Australia for a great many baby boomers, including me. I wonder how many other countries have retirement systems which operate like this? Let me know.

Now there are two ways of retiring well. Having a superannuation balance of $1.2m and above, or having a balance of $400,000. In between you get screwed. Most baby boomers do not have $1.2m because the superannuation system started in the 1980s More later.

Going back many decades, everyone who reached 65 got the age pension, including millionaires, who did not need it, but invariably took it (Dame Patty Menzies took pride in it). This stupid waste of taxpayer money changed, and currently a couple over 65 with assets (excluding the home) of $400,000 or less get a full pension of about $37k.

The rub is that after that, every $100,000 of superannuation reduces the pension by $7800, so that the pension disappears at around $800,000. And every retirement planner I’ve read insist that long term growth of savings will be no more than 5%, and 7.8% is unthinkable. So the more you have up to the magical $1.2m will have you worse off.

People with $400,000 can comfortably draw down 5%, add it to $37k, and you have $57k tax free. People with $800,000 who draw down 5% get $40k.

As a result of this advisers are telling retirees with between $400,000 and $1m to spend. Particularly those on $800,000 to $1m, as if they can get below $800,000 they get a part pension and the wonderful pensioner concession card.

Crazy, but true. And Australian governments know the cost of changing even stupid pension rules (franking credits, anyone); they lose government.

via International Skeptics Forum

Matthew Connelly says National Archives is allowing Trump to trash historical records

including millions of pages documenting ICE human rights abuses in their concentration camps during the regime's first year.

Your fascist government at work...

via International Skeptics Forum

Boy Scouts of America files for bankruptcy

The national organization of the Boy Scouts filed for Chapter 11 protection today:


Facing mounting legal costs from defending itself against lawsuits alleging sexual abuse of boys, the venerable nonprofit sought Chapter 11 protection in a court filing early Tuesday.

A spokesman for the Boy Scouts of America said in a statement that the filing had "two key objectives: equitably compensate victims who were harmed during their time in Scouting and continue carrying out its mission for years to come. The BSA intends to use the Chapter 11 process to create a Victims Compensation Trust that would provide equitable compensation to victims."

The Boy Scouts said that only the national organization had filed for Chapter 11 and that local councils that provide programming and other services are financially independent.

"The BSA cares deeply about all victims of abuse and sincerely apologizes to anyone who was harmed during their time in Scouting. We are outraged that there have been times when individuals took advantage of our programs to harm innocent children," Roger Mosby, BSA's president and chief executive officer, said in a statement Tuesday.

"While we know nothing can undo the tragic abuse that victims suffered, we believe the Chapter 11 process — with the proposed Trust structure — will provide equitable compensation to all victims while maintaining the BSA's important mission," he said.
This seems like a logical progression. And while the bankruptcy doesn't dissolve the organization or anything of that sort, I think that eventuality is still on the table as a future possibility.

The Boy Scouts as an organization is not at fault for the fact that pedophiles have flocked to it; unfortunately that is an endemic weakness of all youth organizations. But it is paying the price for a long-time mindset that the best thing to do about child abuse is to not talk about it.

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Man kidnaps woman, forces her to watch "Roots" in order to "Understand her Racism."


Police in Cedar Rapids, Iowa arrested a man after he allegedly kidnapped a woman and forced her to watch “Roots,” a 1977 TV miniseries about slavery in the United States.

Cedar Rapids newspaper The Gazette reports Robert Lee Noye, 52, was arrested Monday.

A criminal complaint stated Noye forced the victim to watch the show, which is a nine-hour historical miniseries about slavery in the U.S. through the post-Civil War era, “so she could better understand her racism.”

The complaint also stated the suspect told the victim he would “kill her and spread her body parts across Interstate 380 on the way to Chicago” if she did not sit and watch the show.
Wave3, NBC Affiliate:

via International Skeptics Forum

Right-wing FB trolls have an annoying new tactic

I've had several of them show up on my timeline, make several troll posts in rapid sucession, then block me so I can't respond or find them to block them in return.

I've heard this is happening a lot now. They're gaming the system.

via International Skeptics Forum

A flat Earther convention "All Gas No Brakes"

We typically read the thoughts of people that hold crackpot beliefs, but we seldom hear them speaking their crackpot ideas. Nuance is lost with the written word sometimes, but you'll get it here in this vid. Here's a recent flat Earther convention that shows just how f___ed up they really are. The vid is 8:05 minutes long done in an interview style. The he interviewer is posing as a reporter.
"All gas no brakes"

via International Skeptics Forum

lundi 17 février 2020

10 Downing St.'s latest advisor -

Andrew Sabisky, appointed, it seems, by Dominic Cummings. Some of Sabisky's stated views:

“...“One way to get around the problems of unplanned pregnancies, creating a permanent underclass, would be to legally enforce universal uptake of long-term contraception at the onset of puberty,”

"... black Americans have a lower than average IQ than white people and are more likely to have an “intellectual disability”

Interested in the anti-narcolepsy drug modafinil, he stated: "From a societal perspective the benefits of giving everyone modafinil once a week are probably worth a dead kid once a year.”


via International Skeptics Forum

RIP Holden

An Australian car brand sufficiently well known to have been heard of here in Blighty is being wound down.

It's part of GM's strategy to be a regional rather than global manufacturer.


General Motors has said it will retire the iconic Australian car brand Holden as it leaves more markets.

The American car giant said it will wind down Holden sales, design and engineering operations in Australia and New Zealand by next year.

via International Skeptics Forum

dimanche 16 février 2020

NZ - Call to ditch right to silence

Long story short.

NZ, I am ashamed to say has incredibly ugly and frankly embarrassing stats in child abuse and scum parents/supposed guardians.

The latest is a little 4 year old dude who was beaten to an inch of his life and they say he will probably be permanently brain damaged if he makes it.

The cop in charge says it's the worst case he has seen.

We also have another issue, which is we have quite a few times had the entire family of the kids shutting up shop and refusing to make statements.

This is another one.

There are now calls to ditch the right to silence in these investigations

Personally, while I understand why it is there normally for extremely good reason, I say **** people's rights in kid abusing cases and just keep it for others.

We have a govt dept called the Serious Fraud Office which investigates serious financial crime that has more power than the cops and you don't have this right.

It seems a bit stuffed priorities to me that we treat cash as more serious than kids being beaten the **** out of.

I appreciate yanks probably won't agree given the whole ammendment constitution thing.


Children's Commissioner Andrew Becroft says right to silence should be abolished

Children's Commissioner Andrew Becroft has called for the right to silence to be abolished, saying that "the fact you might incriminate yourself isn't a reason for not talking".

Becroft's comments come in the wake of the brutal assault on a four-year-old in Hawke's Bay.

Police say the boy, who is in a stable condition at Starship children's hospital, suffered a sustained beating - possibly over days - at a Flaxmere address in late January and will most likely suffer from brain damage.

Speaking to Newshub this morning, Becroft said: "I think [the right to silence] needs to be abolished or amended."

"The state can't force you to incriminate yourself and in my years as a lawyer and judge I held that dear," he said.

"In this role I've come to the view that we need to take a serious look into that."

"I think we will be looking at it very closely."

University of Canterbury criminology lecturer Professor Greg Newbold*told NZME last week that a revised law under The Crimes Amendment Act*- brought in after the trial over the death of the Kahui twins - meant anyone who has frequent contact and knows that the victim is at risk of death, grievous bodily harm, or sexual assault or fails to take reasonable steps to protect the victim from risk, could face prosecution.

Those people can be a member of the same household as the victim or a staff member of any hospital, institution or residence where the victim resides.

The maximum sentence for a charge of failing to protect a child or vulnerable adult from risk of death, or grievous bodily harm, is 10 years' jail.

Becroft's comments echo those made by Police Association President Chris Cahill last week.

Cahill said under the current law in the Bill Of Rights Act an individual has the right to not give a statement.

"It's an issue we come across all the time in cases such as this, and we think it is time to look at those rights to silence."

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says someone knows how the four-year-old boy was brutally bashed, and has urged any silent family members who have information to come forward.

Ardern said cases like that of the Flaxmere boy, who remained in a stable condition in Starship Hospital, likely with brain damage, were "devastating".

"I know we are a country that wants all our children to live free from violence - but that is going to continue to take our ongoing effort and commitment," Ardern said.

"In the meantime, someone knows what happened to this child, and I urge them to come forward."

via International Skeptics Forum

Is Dawkins wrong about eugenics?

Richard Dawkins writes:

It’s one thing to deplore eugenics on ideological, political, moral grounds. It’s quite another to conclude that it wouldn’t work in practice. Of course it would. It works for cows, horses, pigs, dogs & roses. Why on earth wouldn’t it work for humans? Facts ignore ideology.
Here is the original tweet:

via International Skeptics Forum

Florida man chopping up females with machete

A Florida man attacked his daughter and her teen sister with a machete, police say


Originally Posted by CNN
A South Florida man is in police custody after he attacked and severely injured his 10-year-old daughter and her teenage sister with a machete, police said.

Dennis Reid, 47, on Friday cut the girls with a machete at a home in Lauderhill after arriving there earlier in the morning to care for them, Lauderhill police Lt. Mike Santiago told CNN.

Police were called to the home around 10 a.m. when a frantic 911 caller said "there was an individual chopping up females," Santiago said separately to reporters at a news conference.

When officers arrived, Reid had fled, and police saw the girls had cuts to their upper extremities, including to the head and neck, Santiago told CNN. The girls were taken to a hospital in serious condition, and they underwent surgery Friday afternoon, according to Santiago.

Reid turned himself in to police a short time after fleeing, Santiago said...

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Hillary for Veep?

The report that Hillary Clinton could become Michael Bloomberg’s running mate is one of those times when it is no exaggeration to use the word bombshell. Earthquake would also work, assuming the political marriage actually happens.

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samedi 15 février 2020

Trump is sending the Sturmtruppler into Sanctuary Cities

ICE and CBP are lawless thugs who need to be stood down and tried for their Crimes Against Humanity.

via International Skeptics Forum

The right needs to stop falsely claiming that the Nazis were socialists (WaPo)

Good article.


Although the Nazis did pursue a level of government intervention in the economy that would shock doctrinaire free marketeers, their “socialism” was at best a secondary element in their appeal. Indeed, most supporters of Nazism embraced the party precisely because they saw it as an enemy of and an alternative to the political left.

The Nazi regime had little to do with socialism, despite it being prominently included in the name of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. The NSDAP, from Hitler on down, struggled with the political implications of having socialism in the party name. Some early Nazi leaders, such as Gregor and Otto Strasser, appealed to working-class resentments, hoping to wean German workers away from their attachment to existing socialist and communist parties. The NSDAP’s 1920 party program, the 25 points, included passages denouncing banks, department stores and “interest slavery,” which suggested a quasi-Marxist rejection of free markets. But these were also typical criticisms in the anti-Semitic playbook, which provided a clue that the party’s overriding ideological goal wasn’t a fundamental challenge to private property.

Unlike much of the European left, many conservatives proved willing to work with Nazis — something they later regretted — an association that tainted postwar European conservatism. When it came time to rebuild European politics after the war, therefore, it fell to center-left parties such as Labour in Britain, the Socialists in France and the SPD in Germany, which abandoned rigid Marxist doctrines, alongside the new center-right movement of Christian Democracy, which rejected traditional nationalism, to take up the challenge. This was the hour of the welfare state, supported by social and Christian Democrats, which encouraged social solidarity within a democratic and capitalist framework.

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HS2: UK in talks with China over construction of high-speed line

HS2: UK in talks with China over construction of high-speed line


The UK and China have held "preliminary discussions" over giving Beijing's state-owned railway firm a role in building the HS2 high-speed rail line.

However, government officials said no "concrete commitments" had been made.

China's state railway company said it could build the line in just five years and at a much lower cost, according to a letter seen by Building magazine.

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The poor giving to the rich.

This is something I find very uncomfortable and I wondered what others thought.
Sudan is to pay $30,000,000 dollars to the families of 17 persons killed in the attack on the USS Cole. The bombing was carried out by Yemenis in Yemen, and masterminded by a Saudi, on behalf of al-Qaeda in 2000. Sudan had expelled al-Qaeda and OBL in 1996. The government of Sudan has changed since then and those in power are not those in power in 2000. The responsibility of Sudan and in particular the Sudanese people for the bombing seems distant particularly in comparison with some countries who would appear to have a far more direct connection with the events e.g. Yemen.

Sudan is the poorest country in the world by mean wealth per adult ($534), and the US the third wealthiest ($432,365).
My guess is the families of those persons killed are wealthy by Sudanese standards, and getting an additional $1 million would make them fabulously rich. My guess is that the families of these US servicemen / women get a variety of veterans benefits. Whilst the money that the Sudanese government will pay will mean less for education health care etc.

US government revenue is $6 million million (trillion), Sudan's $ 8 thousand million (billion). So this is equivalent to the US having to pay compensation of $ 30 billion. In comparison the US paid $62 million in compensation for the 290 deaths when the US Vincennes shot down Iran Air Flight 655 an act for which the US government is clearly more directly culpable than Sudan is for the attack on the USS Cole.

I am uncomfortable about the poorest people in the world having to give what for them is a large amount of money to 'wealthy' people for something which was not their fault. If there were Sudanese people responsible they are not in power and will not be punished by this. this is the sort of collective punishment which most people and international law suggests is wrong.

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Student loan forgiveness and free college are bad ideas.

In the United States, an awful lot of people start their working lives deeply in debt. The source of this debt is student loans. In order to get a higher education, they borrow very large sums of money, on the order of 100,000 dollars or more, which they start paying back after they graduate and get employed. Unlike ordinary loans, this debt cannot be forgiven in a bankruptcy proceeding.

The huge number of people saddled with such a large amount of debt has become a social problem. It prevents people from buying houses or cars. It depresses their lifestyle. It even influences marriage and relationships. People are reluctant to become involved in a serious relationship with someone who has 150,000 dollars in debt, because they know that his or her debt will be a millstone for their own financial future.

To help solve this problem, some politicians have proposed a couple of different ideas. One is to simply write off the debt. That's it. Be free. I haven't followed the details of the proposals, and none as far as I know has actually made it into an actual congressional bill to be voted on, so I don't know exactly who picks up the tab, but I'm guessing that the government pays off the banks, or perhaps the banks are left holding the tab, or perhaps some combination.

The other solution, going forward, is to simply make college free. Then there will be no student debt problem for the next generation.

This thread is to discuss the merits of those proposals. I think both of those are truly awful proposals.

To explain why, I will begin by explaining why I think the student loan program went so wrong in the first place. The idea behind them is noble enough, and seems sensible on the surface. By going to college, a person becomes more employable and earns more money, but college is expensive. The student loan program allowed more people to access college education, and then they would use their additional earnings to pay back the cost of that education, and once that cost was paid back, they would enjoy the benefits of their lifestyle that was enabled by that college education. Meanwhile, society gets a benefit by having a greater number of educated people capable of taking on professional assignments. Win-win.

In practice, though, what actually happened is that we told 18 year olds that they can have an unlimited line of credit, to spend four years living on someone else's dime, with not a lot of restriction on what they do. They had to study something, and maintain at least some sort of academic standing, but really there weren't a lot of restrictions on them. They could study engineering, or medicine, or guitar playing or sociology. The could also pick the provider of these services, which means they could pick a school that had spartan dormitories and few student services, or much nicer living quarters and a really nice student center with a pool, and lots of student services. Of course, the school with the pool was more expensive, but that was a problem that wouldn't come up until at least four years away. To an 18 year old, that's a pretty long time.

Giving 18 year olds that sort of choice is a recipe for disaster, and as a society, we have reaped what we have sown. The result is predictable, and we are in it today. It's hard to imagine anything stupider than letting an 18 year old borrow unlimited money with very few restrictions on their behavior.

As hard as it is to imagine, politicians have found a way to make it even more stupid. Instead of giving the students unlimited funds to borrow, they are proposing unlimited funds that will be borrowed by somebody else. (I say "borrowed", because God forbid we should actually raise the taxes needed to pay for these proposals.) With the "free college" proposals, there isn't even the voice in their heads say, "Hmmm....I really do like political science, but I'm racking up a lot of debt. Maybe I should study something I can actually use to get a high paying job." No, instead they would be free to pursue their love of sculpture, without having to worry about never being able to buy a house.

And, just for completeness, some politicians want to make the stupidity retroactive. Shift all that debt from all of those bad decisions away from the people who made those decisions, and onto the rest of us. You owe 100,000 dollars? Never mind. We'll pick up the tab.

That must be awfully galling to those who have actually managed to pay back all or a huge portion of their loans. Even more so, what would we tell people who are thirty years old and who wanted to go to college, but couldn't afford to, and decided not to saddle themselves with debt. Now they are older, have a kid or two, and no education. Suckers! You could have spent four years partying while taking a light load in sociology. You would have been no better off than you are today, but it would have beat the hell out of stocking shelves at Wal-Mart in your early 20s.

The core of the problem is that 18 year olds are, for the most part, morons. I work with high school kids on a robotics team. Their youthful enthusiasm, creativity, and desire to make the world a better place really inspire me. Someday, they'll be decent human beings, but today I'm going to have to tell them to shut up about Star Wars, get off their phones, and finish the stupid robot. The idea that that group of clowns could get 100,000 dollar loans is really frightening to me, and that's the Robotics team. The same thing is happening with the basketball players and the people who can't be bothered to join any clubs because they are too busy playing video games.

Meanwhile, giving these kids more choices has even corrupted the institutions themselves. There is a huge pot of money available to school administrators if they can sign up a bunch of kids using loan money to pay school administrators. Once upon a time, to get that money, they had to be attractive to wealthy parents, who would be concerned about good value for their money. Today, the schools have to be attractive to teenagers borrowing money. Not surprisingly, the cost of education has increased faster than inflation, and the biggest parts of the budget increases have been in student services.

If we are to subsidize higher education, and I would support doing that, we need to let the adults make the decisions. Subsidize medicine, engineering, and important stuff a lot. Only subsidize kids who are good enough to actually make a contribution to society with their education. And if you want to study sociology, use your own money, or mom and dad's. It's their problem if you live in their basement and spout off about the unfairness of society.

Note to mods: I put this in "social issues" because I wanted to focus on the problem itself rather than the politicians who are proposing solutions. Also, although it's an American problem, I wanted international perspectives. However, it could go into "USA politics." I just thought this was a better fit.

via International Skeptics Forum

vendredi 14 février 2020

"The London property market is worth 1.5 trillion £s"

Just heard this on one of them house selling doc's, but they didn't elaborate on whether that is current houses for sale or value of every house.

Lot of money to be houses on sale but seems to little for all.

Does kind of show why kids can't afford a house these days.

via International Skeptics Forum

Devine intervention?

Did anyone here actually buy Jerome Corsi's Devine intervention defense?

Most think his Friend in Embassy Tweet mentioned Julian Assange.
I always thought he Met will the same Russian who contacted me to save him from his 9/11No Planer blunder in 2008, that almost Ruined his Carreer. Is Trump just trying to get Barr to keep Rodger Stone from telling the Truth for the first time in his life?
Your thoughts please.

via International Skeptics Forum

"Rioting and vandalism is the American way"

'Rioting and vandalism is the American way': Black Lives Matter president blasts peaceful protest as 'a tool of white supremacy' after anti-police demonstrations in New York


Originally Posted by Daily Mail
The president of the Black Lives Matter movement in the Greater New York area has claimed that rioting is justified at protests because the 'American way' is through 'bullets and blood' not peaceful protest.

Hawk Newsome appeared on Fox Nation's 'No Interruption'' on Wednesday speaking to host Tomi Lahren about Black Lives Matter and about recent anti-police protests in New York.

Newsome, who also appears in the cast of CopWatch America on Bet, told Lahren he would not condemn the destruction caused as it calls attention to the organization's grievances with society.

The civil rights leader also claimed that peaceful protest is the 'tool of white supremacy', posting the interview to Instagram and slamming Lahren as 'White Supremacist Barbie'.

'The riot is the language of the unheard,' Newsome said, comparing the modern-day protests to The Boston Tea Party.

'What if you throw a whole bunch of tea in the water and start a war?' he asked.

'That's what this country was built on.'...

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via International Skeptics Forum

"There are too many white people in here"

'There are too many white people in here': Black woman shouts 'this is a space for people of color' at students in multicultural center - before University of Virginia says the facility is open to everyone


Originally Posted by Daily Mail
A black student telling white students that 'there are too many white people' in the University of Virginia's multicultural center has sparked a fierce row on social media.

The University of Virginia (UVA) put out a statement asserting that the space was for all students after conservative pundits shared the video of the woman asking her peers to be considerate of the space.

Many predominantly white colleges and universities across the United States have spaces designated as safe spaces for minority students. While these spaces are open to all, they do offer some a unique space to exist in.

In the footage, the woman grabs everyone's attention and then states: 'If you all didn't know, this is an MSC (multicultural student center) and frankly there are just too many white people in here.

'This is a space for people of color, so just be really cognizant of the space you're taking up because it does make some of us POCs feel uncomfortable when we see too many white people in here.'...

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via International Skeptics Forum

2 year old nearly drowns in crowded pool

I'm sharing this more for general safety awareness then for it's being interesting to discuss in and off itself, but it shows how even a crowded pool a child can easily be out of view.

At a hotel in Livonia, Michigan a 2 year old child slipped to the bottom of the pool and stayed there, underwater, for close to 4 minutes despite the pool being (best guesstimate from the video) no more then about 10 x 30, maybe 15 x 40, feet and having about a dozen people playing in it throughout the entire period of time. Eventually the child was noticed by a 9 year old girl and pulled from the water by his/her God Mother.

So please keep an extra eye on children around pools.

One stroke of luck, a nursing convention was happening at the hotel. The article is short on details but the child was described as having been giving CPR, taken to a hospital, and released.

Article with video of incident. The video might be hard to watch for some people.

via International Skeptics Forum