mercredi 8 janvier 2020

Possible ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment and related legal controversy

Long story short ("Too late!" - Clue)

- 1923 an amendment to the US Constitution that would add:


"Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

Section 3. This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of ratification."

to the US Constitution was proposed.

- The US Constitution requires a 2/3rd super-majority of states to ratify an amendment to the Constitution and puts no time limit on the process.

- The amendment then went through several attempts at ratification of varying degrees of popularity and support throughout the next several decades, but was never ratified.

- In 1972 the amendment was re-introduced with a seven year deadline to acquire the necessary (38 out 50) states to pass.

- By the time the 7 year deadline came around 31 states had ratified the Amendment.

- After the deadline had passed there have been... legal actions which may or may not have extended it (this is the main point of controversy.)

- After 1979 up to now the number of states that have ratified the Amendment now stands at 37.

- To make it even more complicated some states claim to have pulled back their ratification but there's dispute over whether or not they can actually do that.

- Which brings us to now. Virginia is highly likely to ratify it within the upcoming month, which might bring up to 38 required state ratification, depending on who you listen to. Opinions are differing on whether or not this would be a valid Amendment given... *gestures up at last half dozen points*

- So basically we might wind up in a minor Constitutional Crisis coming up soon over whether or not this amendment is valid or not.

General overviews:


Legal Argument that the Ratification will be valid if Virginia passes it:

Legal Argument that the Ratification will not be valid if Virginia passes it:

US Department of Justice's opinion statement that the deadline has passed

via International Skeptics Forum

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