lundi 12 novembre 2018

Making the Mac Mistake

"Get a Mac," they said. "You'll love it," they said.

I did. I don't.

It was time for me to purchase a new desktop computer. With both Mrs. Kcin and myself using iPhones, not to mention her rocking an iPad, I thought, well, perhaps we should go for the full system, with all the benefits therein. As a long-time MS user of no small skill level, I figured there'd naturally be a learning curve, but not anything I couldn't manage in short order.


I am hours into YouTube tutorials, have a "for dummies" type of guidebook at hand, and only wish I could access my rooftop so as to be able to hurl this monstrosity to its destruction.

I don't know the way forward. If I could return it, I would. With haste and enthusiasm. But I can't, so I'm left to try to make slow, non-intuitive headway, feeling stupid and non-productive with every passing minute.

Idiotic Apple OS. Idioticer me.

via International Skeptics Forum

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