If you pay attention to the news then it's well known that the Republican Party, assuming they keep their word, want to roll back the clock and so now the USA is about to regress several decades as they dismantle the social programs that Democrats have fought hard for since the 1960's.
I am going to do my best to link to as many of these as possible. Most of these effect minority groups, or the under privileged.
Women face a huge hit.
The biggest of these will revolve about control of reproduction. With the Republicans ready to repeal the ACA (a move that will cost 21 million people their Insurance coverage, many of whom will not be able to get new cover due to pre-existing conditions) they will lose access to cheap contraception.
Add to this the defunding of Planned Parenthood, the targeting of other Woman's Health Clinics like the GOP did in Texas, the rise of Catholic Hospitals taking over the marketplace, and the probable overturning of Row vs Wade, women's health and reproduction issues are going to be decided not by them and their doctors, but rather a bunch of elderly men in Government Buildings and Churches.
This action will lead to higher pregnancy rates, especially among the poor, and just as we are seeing in Texas, where while unplanned pregnancy as a whole has been dropping, amongst the poor it has been rising. It will also lead to greater mortality rates amongst women, again as shown in Texas which currently has the highest pregnancy related mortality rate in the developed world.
But it is not just in reproductive rights where women will feel this result. The struggle for equal pay for equivalent work will be lost for many years to come, and a good standard of paid Maternity leave for either parent allowing them to bond with their children before being required to return to work will not be forthcoming.
The next large group to feel this result will be the LGBTQ community.
Say goodbye to marriage equality. Current marriages will be forcibly dissolved and the Constitution amended to enshrine this discrimination.
Speaking of discrimination, following from the North Carolina HB2 Law, expect to see the overturning of Executive Order 13672, the banning of discrimination against LGBTQ by Federal Contractors, and the allowing of discrimination by employers based on Sexual Orientation. The likelihood is that in its place there will be Religious Freedom legislation permitting that use of one's religion to overrule any form of discrimination, allowing those that claim religious reasons to for opposing the LGBTQ community to legally refuse to provide custom or service to them.
Could it be even worse? This depends on how much power Mike Pence has. Pence not only opposed Gay marriage to the point of wanting to make it illegal for gay people to apply for a marriage licence, but also wanted to divert funding for AIDS research into Conversion Theory! He also opposed the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, so while not an open policy, it could be that Republicans might force Gay military personal out of the Service.
What is well known is that both Trump and Pence have spoken admiringly of Putin, who of course enacted Russia's own Anti-Gay legislation. Similar laws in the US could see public affection or displays made illegal for the LGBTQ community as well as the banning of any such characters on TV programming.
Of course it goes without saying that advances in Transgender Rights over the past few months will be erased with laws such as HB2 forcing Transgender people to out themselves and suffer those consequences, or else suffer other, health, consequences. Or course this is also likely to add to the rise of women who aren't seen as feminine enough being targeted as well.
Let's move on.
What does it mean for people that aren't white?
Trump has called for the reinstatement of the most divisive program in resent US History, Stop and Frisk. This policy treats blacks as criminals and is both discriminatory and dehumanizing. Polls have shown that 70-75% of Blacks oppose Stop and Frisk. This also creates a greater resentment and barrier between the police and the community, at a time when the two groups need to come together and break down the institutionalised racism, not to increase it.
It will also mean that with the Supreme Court supporting them, the GOP will be free to enact greater and stronger Voter Suppression Laws such as those recently overturned in North Carolina
Latinos will suffer many of the same issues, but added to this will be laws such as Arizona's SB 1070 anti-immigrant law where anyone looking like they are Latino could be stopped and have proof of their citizenship demanded.
Even Native Americans are not spared with Trump already having shown his feelings towards them previously, he has now stated that he wants to push the Keystone Pipeline through without regard to cultural heritage or native land rights.
Of course we haven't covered Muslims who would suffer major travel issues and be suspected of being terrorists merely because of their religion. While there is no set methods of dealing with the GOP seems to believe is the "Muslim Problem," early in the campaign Trump was not adverse to the idea of forcing all American Muslims to register.
Of course it doesn't stop at Minorities who will feel this.
The Environment will pay the cost as Trump has plans to dismantle the EPA. Not to mention Climate Change research funding and the Paris Accord both being threatened by a party that doesn't believe in Climate Change.
Anyone addicted to eating safe food might be in danger too, as He goes after the FDA
With the NRA behind him, prepare to have all gun safety legislation gutted along with the BAFTE, or maybe just get rid of it altogether.
There will be food taken off the poor with the Republicans now free to cut the Federal Food Stamp program by $23 billion and the School Lunches Program.
I did have a bunch of stuff that would affect the way things are with the US overseas, but if I carry in I'll be here forever, so final one...
The stripping of protections for a Constitutionally Protected Free Media. Trump wants to make it easier to sue the media weakening Free Speech and making it harder for the Media to publish anything that would be disagreeable to those wealthy enough to cost them bigly in court even if what they printed was true. This attack would make it too easy to tie up media organisations in court long enough to make it too costly to publish controversial things about the rich and litigant powers that be even if what was published was true and in the public interest.
Yes I know this list isn't exclusive, that would have made it way too long.
I am going to do my best to link to as many of these as possible. Most of these effect minority groups, or the under privileged.
Women face a huge hit.
The biggest of these will revolve about control of reproduction. With the Republicans ready to repeal the ACA (a move that will cost 21 million people their Insurance coverage, many of whom will not be able to get new cover due to pre-existing conditions) they will lose access to cheap contraception.
Add to this the defunding of Planned Parenthood, the targeting of other Woman's Health Clinics like the GOP did in Texas, the rise of Catholic Hospitals taking over the marketplace, and the probable overturning of Row vs Wade, women's health and reproduction issues are going to be decided not by them and their doctors, but rather a bunch of elderly men in Government Buildings and Churches.
This action will lead to higher pregnancy rates, especially among the poor, and just as we are seeing in Texas, where while unplanned pregnancy as a whole has been dropping, amongst the poor it has been rising. It will also lead to greater mortality rates amongst women, again as shown in Texas which currently has the highest pregnancy related mortality rate in the developed world.
But it is not just in reproductive rights where women will feel this result. The struggle for equal pay for equivalent work will be lost for many years to come, and a good standard of paid Maternity leave for either parent allowing them to bond with their children before being required to return to work will not be forthcoming.
The next large group to feel this result will be the LGBTQ community.
Say goodbye to marriage equality. Current marriages will be forcibly dissolved and the Constitution amended to enshrine this discrimination.
Speaking of discrimination, following from the North Carolina HB2 Law, expect to see the overturning of Executive Order 13672, the banning of discrimination against LGBTQ by Federal Contractors, and the allowing of discrimination by employers based on Sexual Orientation. The likelihood is that in its place there will be Religious Freedom legislation permitting that use of one's religion to overrule any form of discrimination, allowing those that claim religious reasons to for opposing the LGBTQ community to legally refuse to provide custom or service to them.
Could it be even worse? This depends on how much power Mike Pence has. Pence not only opposed Gay marriage to the point of wanting to make it illegal for gay people to apply for a marriage licence, but also wanted to divert funding for AIDS research into Conversion Theory! He also opposed the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, so while not an open policy, it could be that Republicans might force Gay military personal out of the Service.
What is well known is that both Trump and Pence have spoken admiringly of Putin, who of course enacted Russia's own Anti-Gay legislation. Similar laws in the US could see public affection or displays made illegal for the LGBTQ community as well as the banning of any such characters on TV programming.
Of course it goes without saying that advances in Transgender Rights over the past few months will be erased with laws such as HB2 forcing Transgender people to out themselves and suffer those consequences, or else suffer other, health, consequences. Or course this is also likely to add to the rise of women who aren't seen as feminine enough being targeted as well.
Let's move on.
What does it mean for people that aren't white?
Trump has called for the reinstatement of the most divisive program in resent US History, Stop and Frisk. This policy treats blacks as criminals and is both discriminatory and dehumanizing. Polls have shown that 70-75% of Blacks oppose Stop and Frisk. This also creates a greater resentment and barrier between the police and the community, at a time when the two groups need to come together and break down the institutionalised racism, not to increase it.
It will also mean that with the Supreme Court supporting them, the GOP will be free to enact greater and stronger Voter Suppression Laws such as those recently overturned in North Carolina
Latinos will suffer many of the same issues, but added to this will be laws such as Arizona's SB 1070 anti-immigrant law where anyone looking like they are Latino could be stopped and have proof of their citizenship demanded.
Even Native Americans are not spared with Trump already having shown his feelings towards them previously, he has now stated that he wants to push the Keystone Pipeline through without regard to cultural heritage or native land rights.
Of course we haven't covered Muslims who would suffer major travel issues and be suspected of being terrorists merely because of their religion. While there is no set methods of dealing with the GOP seems to believe is the "Muslim Problem," early in the campaign Trump was not adverse to the idea of forcing all American Muslims to register.
Of course it doesn't stop at Minorities who will feel this.
The Environment will pay the cost as Trump has plans to dismantle the EPA. Not to mention Climate Change research funding and the Paris Accord both being threatened by a party that doesn't believe in Climate Change.
Anyone addicted to eating safe food might be in danger too, as He goes after the FDA
With the NRA behind him, prepare to have all gun safety legislation gutted along with the BAFTE, or maybe just get rid of it altogether.
There will be food taken off the poor with the Republicans now free to cut the Federal Food Stamp program by $23 billion and the School Lunches Program.
I did have a bunch of stuff that would affect the way things are with the US overseas, but if I carry in I'll be here forever, so final one...
The stripping of protections for a Constitutionally Protected Free Media. Trump wants to make it easier to sue the media weakening Free Speech and making it harder for the Media to publish anything that would be disagreeable to those wealthy enough to cost them bigly in court even if what they printed was true. This attack would make it too easy to tie up media organisations in court long enough to make it too costly to publish controversial things about the rich and litigant powers that be even if what was published was true and in the public interest.
Yes I know this list isn't exclusive, that would have made it way too long.
via International Skeptics Forum http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=313846&goto=newpost
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