vendredi 4 novembre 2016

The Muhammad Al-Durrah Incident

Wiki Link

In 2000, a young boy by the name of Muhammad al-Durrah was, apparently, killed as the result of an exchange of gunfire between Palestinian militants and Israeli soldiers. A freelancing cameraman working for a french reporter filmed portions of the incident. The Arab and European leftist press seized on this as a depiction of Israeli brutality. Later, more sober analysis created a lot of doubt as to who actually killed the boy. I happen to believe, upon review of the evidence, that Muhammad was shot by Palestinian gunfire.

Now, does this place me in the same category as the Boston Marathon "Vicsims" people. I don't think so, as I have real evidence while they have only speculation.
  1. The bullet holes in the wall behind the al-Durrahs are round, indicating gunfire perpendicular to the wall. This indicates it was coming from the direction of the Palestinians.
  2. The incident was filmed by only one reporter creating the possibility that his biases or mistakes could create misinterpretations of what happened. More recent shootings in the US have had multiple eyewitness accounts filmed by multiple news stations. Any conspiracy theory of these incidents must then claim that all these news stations are acting in collusion - an unlikely scenario.
  3. The Palestinians had been known to manufacture footage of casualties as agit-prop against Israel. The site Little Green Footballs documented much of this back in the day as I recall.
So, what do you think happened to Al-Durrah? If you think that France 2 got it wrong, does that make you a conspiracy theorist?

via International Skeptics Forum

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