samedi 17 janvier 2015

18 year-old falls in love with father, wants to get married -- liberals blamed

Here's a link to a poorly written article:


The woman says he [sic] father was in and out of her life mostly when she was young. She recalls wondering where he was and why she hadn't hear [sic] from him. There was no contact for 12 years and she did not finally meet him again until she was 17...

After the wedding, the woman says they plan to move to New Jersey where adult incest is legal.

Most of the commenters are blaming liberals and progressives, invoking Sodom and Gomorrah, etc. Well, it's Fox News. I haven't seen anything about how this is a "logical consequence" of same sex marriage, but I wonder why that's not mentioned more often. The slippery slope almost always turns to legalizing polygamy, but it could be relevant in this case: two people are in love, they're not harming anyone else, so why should it be criminal?

The "yuk" reflex against incest is strong and, as far as I know, universal. People react with pure disgust, and I bet there are few liberal politicians, or even talking heads, who would publicly defend it.

I heard a story about an Australian woman who did not know her father as a child, then decades later they reconnected. These situations are substantively different than if daddy had always been around and started banging his lil Princess. Brother-sister separated-since-birth make for better examples since there's not as much of a power-relationship dynamic, but you go with the incest currently in the news, not the incest you wish was in the news.

While a father who does not have a relationship with his child is a ****** parent who's probably going to be a ****** spouse, the central harm seems to come from the prospect of offspring (and this girl wants to have babies). I believe the Australian woman had a child with a fatal congenital heart problem.

I haven't yet Googled the parent-child-offspring potential for complications, but from what I've read, the problems for first cousin offspring is vastly overstated by the laity.

via International Skeptics Forum

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