samedi 4 octobre 2014

Information resources for hypothetical start-up business?

I don't know if this is the right place to ask about this, but I figured it was worth a shot. I'm currently taking an online business class. It's condensed and expedited which means it only lasts 6 weeks and covers a great deal of information very quickly. The professor isn't too available for day-to-day questions as she is spread pretty thin.

One of the things we have to complete is a project in which we lay out basic plans for a hypothetical start-up company. I've decided to do an accounting and payroll service for other small businesses. (And I can't change it now, I've already submitted the first couple sections with that as my selection.)

Anyway, this week I have to complete the human resources and management portion of the plan. One of the points we must address is our plan for hiring other staff should things take off quickly (we start with ourselves as the sole employee). It specifically asks what their starting salary and benefit plan (if any) will be. Obviously specifics like that aren't anywhere to be found in the textbook, and googling research so far has only turned up broad averages for entry-level accounting jobs in a very general sense. Does anyone know of any resources for researching specifics in areas like this?

I'm sorry to bog down this board with such a dumb question, but I'm getting very anxious about it and I contacted the professor 2 days ago but still haven't heard back. (As I said, she's spread pretty thin too.)

I DON'T want anyone to do my work for me in the least, just wondered if anyone knew of any pertinent resources I might access. Thanks for reading.

via JREF Forum

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