jeudi 2 octobre 2014

How do they make stuff?

Take a bridge. How do you make a bridge, over water. It is obviously impossible to build anything under water so that's the first thing. And if you're talking about a suspension bridge I can almost see how it stays up but not how it gets up.

Car tyres. Or tires. Also impossible to make. Presumably the idea is you pour rubber into a mould and wait for it to set. But rubber is a solid, you have to know how to make a mould to a very precise specification and it must also be possible to get the tyre out of the mould and also possible to do all this by the thousand or the million.

To the non-engineer the world is basically incomprehensible. Yes, yes, I know my TV is powered by electricity but if I went back the Middle Ages to explain all our cool, modern things and they said, OK smartass, let's see you make one of these TeeVee things of which you speak.

What else is basically impossible yet all around? How come nobody outside the crazy world of engineers knows any engineers? Why aren't these people the most famous superstars in society?

via JREF Forum

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