mercredi 22 octobre 2014

Democrats Support Voter Fraud - Video

No voter fraud problem, eh? Yeah I tried one of those "Republicans/Democrats all hate..." thread titles that are so popular here. I also tried "No Wonder Dems Are Against Voter ID"

Meredith Hicks, Director, Work In Progress, when asked about using other people's discarded mail-in ballots:


"That's not even like stealing, if someone throws out a ballot, if you wanna fill it out you should do it"

When another worker is asked by the questioner (hidden camera) if he and his buddies should fill out all the ballots being mailed to the guys who used to live at the fraternity they are now moving into, she says it's a great idea! "Oh wow!"


"I mean it's putting the votes to good use. So really truly like yeah, that's awesome".!

He discusses with her how finding these unused ballots could really change the course of the election, and she completely agrees and supports the idea.

She even suggests specific neighborhoods and streets where it is most likely that discarded ballots can be found in trash cans.

She answers, "Ghetto Aurora". Ghetto? I thought democrats were more PC than that?

"They just, kind of like the lower class they just don't really" When asked specifically where to find ballots: "6th and Belmar Circle is a good one" Wow how would she even know that?

Another woman works for State Rep Joe Salazar. She was told that some voters in Oregon wanted to vote twice (this is in Colorado) and was inquiring about mail-in ballots. She almost got away without totally hanging herself, but then...


"I think you can try it out. I don't know if it will work but you can try it"

I thought only Republicans pulled this kind of stuff? Obviously they all do, but it's the dems who are against voter ID.

Voter fraud is alive and well and not happening how and where you may think.

via International Skeptics Forum

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