samedi 16 août 2014

Why a Belgian Chef Is Joining ISIS: 'Fighting Against Americans'

Why a Belgian Chef Is Joining ISIS: 'Fighting Against Americans'

NBC News


After two years of fighting alongside al Qaeda-backed militants in Syria, Abu Saif thought he was done with jihad and ready to return to his “normal” life as a chef in Belgium. But everything changed when Sunni militants swept through northern Iraq and brought their brand of holy war to a global audience.

The 31-year-old cut ties with his old fighting force and put in with the rival Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), setting out for the militants’ stronghold of Raqqa and then, he hopes, on to Iraq.

“Fighting against the Americans and the Shiites is one of my biggest wishes,” Abu Saif, 31, told NBC News. “I would go straight to paradise.”


Apparently not an aboriginal Belgian, but a Belgian just the same.

I guess no one goes straight to paradise from Ghent or Brussels.

via JREF Forum

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