mercredi 20 août 2014

Supreme Court Decisions

I'm interested in exploring the decisions of the USA Supreme Court from its outset to the current day. I would pose four questions:

1. What is the worst SC decision? Use your own definition of "worst".

2. What is the best decision? Use your own definition of "best".

3. What SC decision has had the most impact on USA jurisprudence?

4. What SC decision has had the most impact on USA society in general.

IANAL so I don't really have good insights to these questions but I am interested nonetheless. Just in the spirit of this post, I'll toss out my guesses:

1. Dred Scott?

2. I don't know.

3. Marbury v. Madison?

4. Brown v. Board?

For once, sharks are especially welcome to comment - even those outside the USA.

Thanks in advance.

via JREF Forum

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