samedi 2 août 2014

Laptop/Internet Connection Issues

I have a Lenovo Ideapad with Windows 7 loaded on it.

I have been working in Tennessee this past week, on a wired connection and I had to load Juniper Networks Junos Pulse in order to connect to the client's network and work.

In addition to that, in my "spare" time, I was playing with setting up virtual machines, and loaded up several different VMware software while connected to the hotel's wi-fi.

No problems while in Tennessee.

Now, I'm home, and my laptop will not connect to the internet.

It shows I have a strong connection to my WI-FI, but I get nothing but "this page cannot be displayed" no matter what page I try to load, or what browser I use.

I have tried rebooting, and it seems like it connects briefly - but then I see that Junos Pulse splash screen and I lose the connection. I don't know if it's relevant but the timing is suspicious.

To try and fix it I removed all the VMware software, tried an ipconfig/release and ipconfig/renew, disconnected and reconnected to wifi. The diagnostics is no help at all.

I'm lost.

Any ideas?


via JREF Forum

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