mardi 22 mai 2018

Windows Update Disaster

I've heard the stories. it just never happened to me, till today.

Windows Update. I selected Update and Shut Down. When I turned on my PC this morning it did the usual updating and getting your PC ready stuff.
However it through up a blue screen that asked me my keyboard type. OK.I selected U.S. Stuff stated happening, but then it came another blue screen giving me the option to continue with "Windows Rollback" or restoring to the previous update. "Rollback" simply got me back to the same selections. So I chose previous Windows 10 5. it was never able to complete the process with that. It was unable to load the desktop or the windows file system.

It's old 4 years, and I don't have back up disks or whatever. Fortunately I have my newer laptop.

I suppose It could be repaired, but I don't want to spend the bucks on it.

It was a Lenovo btw.

via International Skeptics Forum

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