lundi 27 janvier 2014

The dangers of antimatter and CERN

I am forced into posting this because men of science have refused to follow my advice without knowing why. It is altogether against my will that I tell my reasons for opposing this contemplated attempt by CERN to create beams of antihydrogen-antimatter. – with its inherent dangers of destroying our place in the universe – and I am the more reluctant because my warning may be in vain. Doubt of the real facts, as I must reveal them, is inevitable; yet if I suppressed what would seem extravagant and incredible there would be nothing left. The hitherto withheld calculations and graphs, both ordinary and computer generated, will count in my favor, for they are damnably vivid and graphic. Still, they will be doubted because of the great lengths to which fakery can be carried. My calculations, of course, will be jeered at as obvious impostures; notwithstanding a strangeness of technique which particle physicists ought to remark and puzzle over.

In the end I must rely on the judgment and standing of the few scientific leaders who have, on the one hand, sufficient independence of thought to weigh my data on its own hideously convincing merits or in the light of certain primordial and baffling singularities, and on the other hand, sufficient influence to deter the exploring world in general from any rash and overambitious programs in the regions of smashing elementary particles. It is an unfortunate fact that relatively obscure men like myself and my associates, connected only with a small university, have little chance of making an impression where matters of a wildly bizarre or highly controversial nature are concerned.

It is further against us that we are not, in the strictest sense, specialists in the fields which came primarily to be concerned. As many of you know I lack a degree in physics but that has not effected my abilities to add to the field of knowledge nor has it deterred my enemies from CERN from publicly scoffing at my theories while behind the scenes persecuting me so my writings never get published. I have written before of the attempts by CERN's minions to silence me and my associates. CERN's tentacles reach to even this website and I must be careful before I proceed with posting my work. If it proves safe for those of you who read this I will continue with this thread but be warned even reading this may put you at risk from CERN's slaves and sycophants.

via JREF Forum

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