mardi 20 août 2013

What to do with people that murder pets?

As some of you know over the weekend my beloved cat, Simon, was shot and killed by savages unknown. It is currently a matter of investigation by law enforcement.

While I was in the process of burying the single most affectionate cat I ever had the pleasure of knowing someone brought up the idea that we should put humans down that do bad things to animals (yes this cat made many friends and so there was a bit of crowd when I put him into the earth). It was meant to be a statement of emotion in the moment but the more I though about it the more I realized we should take these things more seriously.

I mean imagine the kind of human being that shoots a defenseless house cat that only ever wanted to get more cuddles out of people? Is that a person you really want in our society?

We put down dogs that bite people. I'm thinking people that bring violence the other direction for kicks ought to be removed from society too.

via JREF Forum

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