vendredi 23 août 2013

Scientific Fraud and Small Oil Company Bankruptcy

The Bogus Oil Company Model of Geology

BOCMOG Bock-Mog rhymes with Dog

Scientific Fraud and Small Oil Company Bankruptcy

Are you a small oil or gas company with your financial back against the wall?

Are you in Big Oil's “Real Geology Book Club”? If not, sue the bastards for using illegal practices to hide the real geology.

Big Oil bought the USGS and the Schools of Geology to sell the Bogus Oil Company Model Of Geology BOCMOG. Small companies could not compete using the bogus geology that was publicly taught. That is why Big Oil created the BOCMOG and broke the law using coercion, bribery, and scientific fraud to make the publicly known model of Geology fatally (extinction level) flawed. The Big Oil Companies only gained 100's of Billions of dollars by screwing up Geology and breaking the law!

Predicting the presence of sand in geological formations can make or break an oil company. Without sand, the rock is usually impermeable and the oil and gas is trapped. Asteroid impacts produce vast amounts of sand. If you know that an asteroid impact occurred in what everyone else assumes was a vast, shallow sea, you have a huge advantage over your competition. You know where the asteroid impact produced lots of sand. This advantage has gotten the Big Oil companies 100's of BILLIONS of dollars over the last 50 years.

We really are running out of oil because they are now forced to get the gas and oil out of rock which may not be economically attractive when compared to Green technology .

Oils price must rise to make it economically feasible to get to the trapped oil and gas. Another way to make rock oil attractive is to ignore the long term environmental consequences (call it Republican Business Genius). Fracking gas has not been proven (in the long term) to make economic sense. The predicted production capacities of fracked gas wells have yet to approach their capacity based on using older production models. The gas pressure in the reservoir drops so quickly that sometimes you can't get your drilling costs back. Gas is cheap right now because a lot of smaller oil companies, made the same stupid mistake, at the same time. The costs of extracting the gas are higher than its present price. It is called tight gas and it is a mirage.

What would be the cost of Natural Gas if its price weren't artificially low based on oil herd stupidity? Would Natural Gas be competitive with green technology?

Why didn't the Big Oil Companies make the same mistake with tight gas? The Big Oil Companies found the tight gas fields and then unloaded them on the small oil companies. SUCKERS!

Keeping the real Geology secret is very profitable. A lot of the tight gas was from Granite Wash which is often an indicator of an asteroid impact. It certainly is in the Texas panhandle. Jean D'Arc impact crater >100 miles in diameter. An odd geological formation called the Dockum group is the material that filled in the crater. Underneath it is fractured granite.

The old economic and reservoir models don't apply to rock oil. Long term the cost of oil and gas must increase along with the costs of more difficult production methods. Now instead of pumping oil from rock, you have to squeeze and drive chemicals through the rock. Production costs must therefore increase.

There is a more basic problem with fracking, many black shales contain toxic uranium. Get the oil and gas and you also release uranium into the environment and the water tables.

The Big Oil Companies lied about how the uranium got into the Black Shales. They say it spontaneously precipitated from seawater. The Big Oil Company PR people can also weave gold from straw. It appears that when an asteroid initiates a mantle plume, it can ballistically fountain mantle material for hundreds of miles. The uranium did not come from seawater, it came from the Earth's Mantle. The mantle material killed life on the bottom of the seas. The oxygen was depleted by the mantle material, that is why organic material did not decay. The depleted oxygen in the seawater did not produce the uranium.

The Uranium and especially the High Iron content of the mantle Basalts depleted the oxygen in the seawater. Another clue is the presence of iron itself in the Black Shales. It is rarely found in ocean water, since iron is the limiting factor for photosynthetic plankton. If Iron is present, photosynthetic plankton will rapidly gobble it up. But Iron in the form of Iron Pyrite is also found in the Black Shales.

So why didn't the photosynthetic plankton gobble the iron up? Because the plankton is photosynthetic! No sunlight and it won't absorb the iron. So the mantle plume spews material into the skies for 10's of thousands of years. That explains why the carbon and the iron are in the Black Shales. Some days the sun gets through and the photosynthetic plankton blooms. A couple of days later it darkens again and the photosynthetic plankton dies, and then sinks to the anoxic bottom. The organic material cannot decay without oxygen, so the carbon builds up.

What about anaerobic bacteria? Anaerobic bacteria can be poisoned by the same elements in the mantle material as the aerobic bacteria. How about super bacteria? The sea bottom is both poisoned and missing essential nutrients and the ecological system has essentially collapsed. No photosynthesis is occurring. Sporadically photosynthesis can start up, but then it collapses again. Until the mantle plume quits emitting toxins and aerosols into the environment, the ecology cannot return to normal. It is called an extinction event.

So the Big Oil conpanies bought Geology. So prove the fraud, and save your company.

Have Big Oil die the death of 10,000 lawyers for their crimes.

via JREF Forum

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