vendredi 16 août 2013

Is the "naturalistic fallacy" a fallacy?

Obviously there are natural things that are very dangerous, and manufactured things that are benign, but it still seems to me that the odds are strongly in favour of natural source things being safer than non-natural.

I mean, if you were to go out into the natural environment and randomly pick something -- a leaf, a beetle, a pebble -- put it in your mouth and try to eat it, you probably wouldn't do yourself any terrible harm. On the other hand, if you were to take a random sample of a substance found in a factory or a chemical supply store, you'd be taking a much bigger risk.

So it seems to me that if a product can legitimately claim to be "natural", while not an absolute guarantee of safety, it does give me greater confidence that it probably won't hurt me. (Even if it does me no good either.)

What do you think?

via JREF Forum

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